Imaji: Jurnal Seni dan Pendidikan Seni
Vol 18, No 2 (2020): IMAJI OKTOBER


Martono, Hendro (Unknown)
Saputro, Okky Bagas (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Mar 2021


Daerah Kemadang memiliki satu cerita rakyat “Wong Ireng” yang masih misteri bagi masyarakat luas Kemadang apalagi Gunungkidul. Legenda Wong Ireng menurut tokoh masyarakat setempat bermula dari Prabu Brawijaya sedang anjangsana ke wilayah pantai Selatan Gunungkidul, di daerah Kemadang dihadang gerombolan manusia tubuhnya berambut hitam terlihat seperti manusia hutan yang beringas. Terjadi pertempuran dengan pasukan Majapahit yang berhasil menaklukan Wong Ireng. Atas kebijakan Prabu Brawijaya, Wong Ireng dimanfaatkan sebagai pasukan lain dengan melatih menjadi ahli perang untuk menjaga wilayah pantai Selatan. Penciptaan tari “Wong Ireng” akan memperkaya tari rakyat Gunungkidul, hasil kerja bareng antara seniman akademik dengan seniman seni rakyat. Koreografinya berpijak pada tari Jathilan, Reog dan Dhudher serta tari rakyat lainnya yang sudah ada di Gunungkidul dan tari Buto Grasak yang berasal dari Sleman yang energik, beringas, kasar dan ditambahkan akrobatik. Mengacu dari interpretasikarakter Wong Ireng dalam legenda.Kata kunci: penciptaan tari, legenda, wong ireng“WONG IRENG” DANCE CREATION AS CREATIVE IDEAS OF A FOLKTALEAbstractIn Kemadang, there is a folktale called “Wong Ireng” which is still a mystery to the people of Kemadang, especially the people of Gunungkidul. The legend of Wong Ireng according to local public figure started when Prabu Brawijaya visited the southern beach of Gunungkidul. In Kemadang, he was stopped by a group of people covered in black hair, looking like savage forest people. A battle took place and Majapahit soldiers managed to defeat Wong Ireng. At Prabu Brawijaya’s behest, Wong Ireng were forgiven and used as an army by training them to be warriors protecting the southern beach. The creation of “Wong Ireng” dance can enrich Gunungkidul folk dance. It is the collaboration result of academic artists and folk dance artists. The choreography is based on Jathilan, Reog, and Dhudher or other existing folk dances in Gunungkidul and energetic, savage, rough, and acrobatic Buto Grasak dance from Sleman. It is based on the interpretation of the legend of Wong Ireng.Keywords: dance creation, legend, Wong Ireng

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Education Environmental Science Social Sciences


IMAJI is a journal containing the results of research/non-research studies related to arts and arts education, including fine arts and performing arts (dance, music, puppetry, and karawitan). IMAJI is published twice a year in April and October by the Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas ...