Jurnal Rechts Vinding : Media Pembinaan Hukum Nasional
Vol 2, No 2 (2013): August 2013


S. Atalim (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tarumanagara)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Aug 2013


Perkembangan masyarakat yang semakin ‘menghakimi’, penerapan proses pengadilan formal-konvensional atas perkara kejahatan yang tidak melibatkan korban kecuali pelaku, dan putusan pengadilan formal yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan korban dan pelaku, melahirkan wacana dan praktek penerapan keadilan restoratif dalam menyelesaikan perkara pidana kejahatan. Keadilan restoratif ingin menegakkan nilai-nilai yang hilang dalam proses pengadilan formal yakni pengakuan atas martabat hak-hak korban dan pelaku, menekankan dialog, komunikasi,kejujuran, tanggung jawab, kesadaran akan kesalahan, dan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri di masa depan. Penerapan prinsip-prinsip keadilan restoratif ini tidak semestinya dilakukan di luar proses pengadilan formal-konvensional yang sudah ada karena semakin menyuburkan ketidakpastian hukum. Muncul dan semakin berkembangnya praktek penerapan prinsip-prinsip keadilan restoratif merupakan kritik inheren terhadap proses pengadilan legal-konvensional yang belum memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat, terutama kepentingan korban, pelaku, dan masyarakat. Kritik ini merupakan kesempatan bagi aparat penegak hukum untuk semakin mewujudkan keadilan dan kepasƟ an hukum yang tercermin tidak saja pada proses (prosedural) melainkan juga pada putusan yang adil (hasil).The development of society 'judging' to the application of formal court proceedings for criminal cases that only involving the perpetrator, resulting in verdict that are not accomodaƟ ng the wishes of the victim and the perpetrator. This raises the discourse and the application of restoraƟ ve justice practices in solving criminal cases. RestoraƟ ve justice wants to uphold the values that are lost in the formal court process, namely the recognition of the dignity of the rights of victims and perpetrators, emphasizing dialogue, communication, honesty, responsibility, awareness of errors, and the opportunity to improve themselves in the future. The application of the restoraƟ ve justice principles should not be done outside the formal court process because it creates legal uncertainty. The emergence and the growing practices of restorative justice principles application is an inherent critique of the conventional court processes that do not meet society's sense of justice, especially the interests of the victim, perpetrator, and community. This criticism is an opportunity for law enforcement agencies to bring about justice and legal certainty that is refl ected not only in the process (procedural) but also on a fair decision (outcome).

Copyrights © 2013

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Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


Rechtsvinding Journal is an academic journal addressing the organization, structure, management and infrastructure of the legal developments of the common law and civil law ...