Jurnal Sosioteknologi
Vol. 12 No. 29 (2013)


Hamdi Muluk (Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2013


Psikologi forensik adalah bagian dari sains forensik (forensic science) yang semakin berperan penting dalam proses penegakan hukum. Namun di Indonesia peran dari ilmu ini belum begitu signifikan. Psikologi forensik berusaha mengungkap bukti-bukti yang berkaitan dengan mengapa seseorang melakukan kejahatan dari perspektif ilmu perilaku. Kontribusi psikologi dalam bidang forensik mencakup area kajian yang luas termasuk membuat kajian tentang profil para pelaku kejahatan, mengungkap dasar-dasar neuropsikologik, genetik, dan proses perkembangan perilaku, saksi mata, deteksi kebohongan, menguji kewarasan mental, kekerasan domestik dll. Dalam penggunaan psikologi forensik terdapat beberapa kontroversi tentang begitu banyaknya mazhab dan syarat yang mengikat (qualifier), dimana keberlakuan fakta-fakta tidak mudah diinterpretasikan secara dikotomis (benar-salah, pasti-tidak pasti). Inilah yang kadang-kadang menyebabkan hasil kerja ahli psikologi forensik sulit diterima oleh hakim. Namun peran dari ilmu ini tidak dapat dibantah semakin penting dalam penegakan keadilan, termasuk di Indonesia. Kata kunci: sains forensik, psikologi forensik, penegakan hukum, kontroversi psikologi forensik Forensic psychology is part of forensic science that plays an increasingly important role in the law enforcement process. Yet, in Indonesia, the role of this science is not yet very significant. Forensic psychology tries to uncover evidence relating to why a person commits a crime from the perspective of behavioral science. Contribution of forensic psychology covers a broad area of studies, including conducting studies on the profiles of the perpetrators of the crime, uncovering the basics neuropsychology, genetics, and behavioral development processes, witnesses, lie detection, testing mental sanity, and domestic violence etc. In the use of forensic psychology there is some controversy about so many notions and binding conditions (qualifier), in which validity of facts is not easily interpreted in a dichotomy (true-false, definitely-not sure). This is what sometimes causes the results of forensic psychologists' work are difficult to accept by the judge. However, the important role of this science in enforcing justice, including in Indonesia, is indisputable. Keywords: forensic science, forensic psychology, law enforcement, forensic psychology controversy

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Engineering Social Sciences


Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and ...