Jurnal Sosioteknologi
Vol. 13 No. 3 (2014)


Lusia Marliana Nurani (Arizona State University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Dec 2014


Penelitian ini mengkaji sebuah sekolah Islam yang terletak di Barat Daya Amerika Serikat. Dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa sekolah Islam di AS hanya melayani tiga persen dari jumlah total siswa Muslim nasional, rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah pertanyaan yang timbul berkaitan dengan sikap Muslim Amerika terhadap sekolah-sekolah Islam. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap tujuh orang partisipan yang dikategorikan ke dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu staf akademik, orang tua, dan siswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data dilakukan observasi di sekolah dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan bahwa sekolah Islam disikapi positif oleh semua partisipan. Sekolah ini dianggap sebagai tempat untuk mempersiapkan generasi muda Muslim yang siap berintegrasi ke dalam lingkungan yang lebih heterogen tanpa menjadi larut dan terbawa arus gelombang yang sedang berlangsung. Meskipun dianggap positif, masa depan pendidikan Islam masih dipertanyakan karena masalah keuangan yang tidak menjanjikan kelangsungan sekolah tersebut. Walaupun demikian, perlu dicatat bahwa jumlah Muslim di Amerika Serikat terus meningkat. Artinya, permintaan terhadap sekolah-sekolah Islam akan terus meningkat. Kata kunci: sekolah islam, muslim, pendidikan This study examined an Islamic school located in the Southwestern United States. By considering that Islamic schools in US only cater three percents of the total Muslim students nationwide, questions arised with regards to the attitude of American Muslims toward Islamic schools. Seven participants, who were classified into three groups, namely academic staffs, parents, and students, were recruited. To collect data, observations in the school and interviews were conducted. The findings showed that Islamic school was perceived positively by all participants. This is a place to prepare young generation of Muslims to integrate in a more heterogeneous environment without being melted in the mainstream wave. Even though perceived positively, the future of Islamic education is still questionable due to the financial problems which jeopardize the continuity of such schools. However, it is worth noting that the number of Muslim in the United States keeps growing, which means that the demand for Islamic schools will increase respectively. Keywords: islamic schools, muslim, education

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Engineering Social Sciences


Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and ...