Jurnal BOSAPARIS: Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
Vol 2, No 1 (2014):


., Ketut Nonik Setiawati (Unknown)
., Ni Desak Made Sri Adnyawati, S.Pd,M.Pd (Unknown)
., Ida Ayu Putu Hemy Ekayani, S.Pd., M.Pd (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 Nov 2014


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa, (2) Respon Siswa terhadap pembelajaran Room Service (Tray Set-Up) setelah diterapkan model kooperatif tipe TGT berbantuan Lembar Kerja Siswa terhadap siswa kelas XlA5 di SMK N 2 Singaraja. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus, dimana setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi/evaluasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XlA5 SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja yang berjumlah 35 orang terdiri dari 16 orang putra dan 19 orang putri. Data hasil belajar didapat dengan tes hasil belajar dan tes unjuk kerja. Data respon siswa dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket tertutup. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) Penerapan Model Kooperatif tipe TGT berbantuan Lembar Kerja Siswa dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, yaitu mencapai rata-rata pada siklus I sebesar 78.86 dengan kualifikasi belum memenuhi KKM dan pada siklus II mencapai 83.14 dengan kualifikasi memenuhi KKM, atau terjadi peningkatan sebesar4,28. Pencapaian ketuntasan klasikal siklus I sebesar 74% dan pada siklus II diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 89%, hal ini berarti terjadi peningkatan ketuntasan klasikal siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 14.29%, pada kualifikasi memenuhi KKM (2) Respon siswa terhadap penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe TGT berbantuan LKS di peroleh rata-rata sebesar 79,80 dengan kualifikasi positif. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe TGT berbantuan LKS dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar Room Service (Tray Set-Up) pada siswa kelas XlA5 SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja Tahun pembelajaran 2013/2014. Kata Kunci : Kooperatif Tipe TGT, LKS,Hasil Belajar This research aimed at discovering (1) Improvement of students’ learning result, (2) Students’ response toward Room Service instruction (Tray Set-Up) after Cooperative Model Type TGT combined with students’ worksheet were implemented in class XlA5 of SMK N 2 Singaraja. This research was a classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles, in which each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation/evaluation and reflection. Subject of this research was the 35 students in class XlA5 of SMK N 2 Singaraja, consisted of 16 male and 19 female students. Data were gained by using learning result and performance tests. The students’ responses were gained by using closed questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted descriptive quantitatively. The result of the research showed that (1) The implementation of Cooperative Model Type TGT combined with students’ worksheet were able to improve the students’ learning result, in which mean score in cycle I was 78,86 classified as sufficient enough or had not been fulfilled passing grade, and in cycle II was 83.14 classified as good or had been fulfilled the passing grade, therefore the improvement between the mean score in cycle I and cycle II was 4.28 the classical achievement in cycle I was 74% and in cycle II was 89%, it showed that there was 14.29% classical improvement, qualified as good or had been fulfilling the passing grade (2) The students’ response toward the implementation of Cooperative Model Type TGT combined with students’ worksheet, it was gained that the mean score was 79.80 qualified as positive. Those results showed that by implementing Cooperative Model Type TGT combined with students’ worksheet was able to improve the learning result of Room Service (Tray Set-Up) in class XlA5 of SMK N 2 Singaraja Academic Year 2013/2014. keyword : Cooperative Type TGT, students’ worksheet, learning result

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info







urnal BOSAPARIS : Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga is a scientific journal published by the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha and professionally managed by the Program Studi Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Jurusan Teknologi Industri, Fakultas Teknik dan Kejuruan. This journal aims to accommodate ...