Journal Pharmasci (Journal of Pharmacy and Science)
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Journal of Pharmacy and Science

Analisis Kadar Kafein Dari Serbuk Teh Hitam, Teh Hijau dan Teh Putih (Camellia sinensis L.)

Wardani, Ratih Kusuma (Unknown)
Ferry Fernanda, M. A. Hanny (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 May 2016


ABSTRAKTeh diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 jenis yaitu teh hitam, teh hijau dan teh putih. Teh mengandung senyawa kafein yang dapat bermanfaat dan merugikan bagi tubuh. Senyawa kafein dalam teh dapat dipisahkan dengan metode ekstraksi cair-cair menggunakan kloroform dan penambahan CaCO3. Penentuan kadar kafein menggunakan metode spektrofotometri UV diukur pada panjang gelombang 275 nm. Kadar kafein dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan waktu penyeduhan. Semakin tinggi suhu dan lama waktu penyeduhan, kadar kafein dalam teh semakin meningkat. Kadar kafein dari berbagai jenis teh dari kadar yang tinggi ke rendah berturut-turut yaitu serbuk teh hitam, teh putih dan teh hijau dengan suhu penyeduhan 95áµ’C selama 10 menit.Kata Kunci: Teh hitam, teh hijau, teh putih, kafein, spektrofotometri UVABSTRACTTea is classified into three type, which are black tea, green tea and white tea. Tea contains caffeine compound that can be beneficial and harmful for the body. Caffeine compound in tea can be separated by liquid extraction method using chloroform and addition of CaCO3. The determination of the caffeine content measured by UV spectrophotometry at 275 nm. Caffeine level is influenced by temperature and brewing time. The highertemperature and the longer brewing time, the level of caffeine in tea increase. The caffeine content of various types of tea from high to low level respectively are black tea powder, white tea and green tea with temperature of 95áµ’C and 10 minutes brewing time.Keywords: Black tea, green tea, white tea, caffeine, UV spectrophotometry

Copyrights © 2016

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Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemistry Health Professions Immunology & microbiology Medicine & Pharmacology


Journal of Pharmacy and Science (Pharmasci) publishes full-length original articles and reviews. The scope of the journal is pharmaceutical and basic science, including its research and application. The editors, therefore, welcome contributions on the following topics: 1. Clinical pharmacy 2. ...