Tonil, Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema
Vol 18, No 1: Maret, 2021


Retno Dwi Intarti (ISI Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 May 2021


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan humor dalam Ketoprak Tjonthong yang meliputi konsep, pola, dan ideologinya. Ketoprak Tjonthong merupakan grup ketoprak yang dibentuk di Yogyakarta tahun 2004 dan telah berhasil mementaskan sebanyak 33 lakon dimulai dari Lakon Minggat (2004) sampai dengan Lakon Walidarma (2019). Objek kajian penelitian ini adalah lakon Panguwasa Samodra (2019). Di samping dua lakon lain yang diamati untuk membantu analisis yaitu lakon Baron Sakendher dan lakon Keris Mataram. Adapun analisis tentang konsep humor, pola dan ideologinya akan digunakan teori humor dari Arthur Berger dan kajian struktural. Langkah penelitian yang dilakukan terdiri dari 2 tahap, yaitu tahap pengumpulan data dan tahap analisis data. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan studi pustaka dan bedah naskah. Sedangkan tahap analisis data dilakukan dengan melacak peristiwa yang terjadi, klasifikasi data, untuk menemukan konsep humor, pola, dan ideologi Ketoprak Tjonthong. Hasilnya ditemukan sekitar 16 konsep humor lakon Panguwasa Samodra, di antaranya adalah bombast, irony, misunderstanding, pun, repartee, sarcasm, sexual allusion, conceptual surprise, absurd, repetition, ignorance, embarrassment, imitation, clumsiness, chase, dan exaggeration. Selain itu, terdapat tiga pola humor dalam Ketoprak Tjonthong yaitu pola pengkarakteran pemain, pola penamaan tokoh, dan pola pengadegan. Berkaitan dengan ideologi, terdapat tiga hal yang menjadi ciri khas Ketoprak Tjonthong dan selalu menjadi konsep dasar pementasannya yaitu menggarap fenomena sosial masyarakat, mengangkat cerita-cerita baru dalam khasanah ketoprak, dan menggunakan humor satir sebagai presentasi estetisnya.Kata kunci: Ketoprak Tjonthong, konsep humor, pola humor, ideologiThis study aims to explain the humour in Ketoprak Tjonthong, which includes its concepts, patterns, and ideology. Ketoprak Tjonthong is a ketoprak group that was formed in Yogyakarta in 2004 and has successfully performed 33 plays starting from Lakon Minggat (2004) to Lakon Walidarma (2019). The object of this research study is the play Panguwasa Samodra (2019). In addition to the two other plays that were observed to assist the analysis, they were the Baron Sakendher play, and the Keris Mataram play. As for the analysis of the concept of humour, its patterns and ideology, the theory of humour from Arthur Berger and structural studies will be used. The research step consisted of 2 stages, namely the data collection stage and the data analysis stage. First, data were collected by conducting literature studies and text review. At the same time, the data analysis stage was carried out by tracking the events that occurred, classifying the data, to find the humorous concept, patterns, and ideology of Ketoprak Tjonthong. The results found around 16 humorous concepts for the Panguwasa Samodra play, including bombast, irony, misunderstanding, pun, repartee, sarcasm, sexual allusion, conceptual surprise, absurd, repetition, ignorance, embarrassment, imitation, clumsiness, chase, and exaggeration. In addition, there are three humour patternsĀ in Ketoprak Tjonthong, namely the character pattern, the character naming pattern, and the scene pattern. Regarding ideology, three things characterize Ketoprak Tjonthong and have always been the basic concept of its performances, namely working on social phenomena in society, bringing up new stories in the realm of ketoprak, and using satirical humour as its aesthetic presentation.Keywords: Ketoprak Tjonthong, the concept of humour, humour patterns, ideology

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Arts Humanities


Tonil: Journal of Literature, Theatre, and Cinema Studies, issn: 1411-6464 (print) and issn: 2685-8274 (online), is a scientific journal in the fields of Theatre/Arts creations & studies under the publication banner of Theatre Department, Faculty of Performing Arts in Indonesia Institute of the Arts ...