ISLAM NUSANTARA: Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture
Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Islam Nusantara Journal for Study of Islamic History and Culture

Menuju Sosiologi Nusantara: Analisa Sosiologis Ajaran Ki Ageng Suryomentaram dan Amanat Galunggung

Ngatawi El-Zastrouw (Fakultas Islam Nusantara, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA))

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jul 2020


The discourse on indigenizing of social sciences has been popular among Indonesian scholars since 1970s. However, it has not shown any significant development, in spite of many writings of Nusantara scholars that can be bases of references to develop sociological theories of Nusantara, such as the manuscripts of Kawruh Jiwo Ki Ageng Suryomentaram and Amanat Galunggung. Making an effort to indigenize social sciences of Nusantara, the present study investigates both manuscripts. The results of the study argue that there are basic theories of sociology discussed in those two manuscripts. For example, the concepts of social integration (kabuyutan), division of labor, and historical consciousness, which are discussed in the manuscript of Amanat Galunggung. The sociological perspective of Amanat Galunggung is very similar to the structural-functional theory. While, the concepts found in Kawruh Jiwo Ki Ageng Suryomentaram, such as the concepts of four division of human being, feeling (rasa) and intention (karep), and reciprocal relations between human and society. Those theories are genuine and authentical; and if the theories are developed, they will result in a typical of Nusantara sociological theory. Keywords: Indigeneus, Kramadangsa, Rasa, Kabuyutan, Tri Tangtu REFERENCE Alatas, S.F., (2010), Diskusus Alternatif Dalam Ilmu Sosial Asia, Tanggapan Terhadap Eurocentrisme, Bandung, Mizan, Anthony Giddens (1997), Central Problem in Social Theoty, Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of Callifornia Press. Ary, H. Gunawan (2000), Sosiologi: Suatu Analisis Sosiologi tentang Pelbagai Problem Pendidikan, Cet. I; Jakarta: Rinika Cipta. Astrid S. Susanto (1979) Pengantar Sosiologi dan Perubahan Sosial, Bandung, Binacipta. Allice S. 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ISLAM NUSANTARA: Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture facilitates the publication of article and book reviews on the study of Islam, Muslim culture, society, politics, and history in Southeast Asia (Nusantara) and beyond. It is published twice a year and written in Indonesia, ...