Jurnal Kebidanan
VOLUME 09 No.01, JUNI 2017


Wahyuningsih . (Nursing Student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta)
Titih Huriah (Nursing Student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Jul 2017


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Pembelajaran kelas dan skills lab merupakan bagian yang penting dari proses pendidikan yang komplek dan harus terintegrasi dalam seluruh program pendidikan yang mengacu pada kurikulum, khususnya pencapaian tugas akhir bagi lulusan. Banyak kendala yang ditemukan pada saat persiapan dan pelaksanaan program di kelas dan di skills lab serta mengevaluasi kemampuan mahasiswa, banyaknya kendala ini akan mempengaruhi hasil akhir dari kompetensi peserta didik. Tujuan:  Mengetahui hubungan antara mutu pembelajaran skill lab dengan hasil belajar skill lab mahasiswa tingkat 1 dan 2 pada mata kuliah Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia (KDM) di Akper Widya Husada Semarang. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Keperawatan di Akper Widya Husada Semarang yang berjumlah 118 mahasiswa dengan teknik sampling adalah total sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi Rank Spearman Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara mutu pembelajaran dengan nilai skill laboratorium pada mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Keperawatan di Akper Widya Husada Semarang dengan nilai r sebesar 0,255 dan nilai p sebesar 0,005. Hasil análisis data antara dimensi mutu pembelajaran yang tidak berhubungan adalah kehandalan dan empati, sementara dimensi yang berhubungan adalah daya tanggap, kepastian dan wujud.Kesimpulan:  Adanya hubungan antara mutu pembelajaran dengan hasil pembelajaran skill laboratorium.  Kata kunci :  Mutu pembelajaran, Hasil Skill Lab,OSCA    THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE QUALITY OF LABORATORY LEARNING AND THE RESULT OF STUDENT LABORATORY SKILL IN THE SUBJECT OF HUMAN BASIC NEED IN HEALTH ACADEMY OF WIDYA HUSADA SEMARANG ABSTRACTBackground: Class learning and laboratory skills are important parts of complex education process and have to be integrated in the entire education program that refers to curriculum, especially final paper achievement for the graduates. There are many obstacles found in the program preparation and implementation of the class and in the laboratory skill as well as in the evaluation of the student’s competence. The obstacles will affect the final result of the student’s competence. Objective: Finding out the relationship between the quality of laboratory learning and the result of laboratory skill of 2nd semester students in the subject of Human Basic Need in Health Academy of Widya Husada Semarang. Research Methodology: The research was quantitative in nature, with cross sectional approach. The population of the research was the students of the D3 Study Program of Nursing in Health Academy of Widya Husada Semarang. There were 118 students with the sampling technique of total sampling. The data analysis used was Rank Spearman correlation. Research Result: The research has found that there is a significant relationship between the quality of laboratory learning and the score of laboratory skill among the students of D3 Study Program of Nursing in Health Academy of Widya Husada Semarang with r value is 0.255 and p value is 0.005. The result of data analysis among the quality dimensions of laboratory learning that not related were reliability and empathy, while the dimensions related were responsiveness, certainty and form. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the quality of laboratory learning and the result of laboratory skill learning.  Keywords: Laboratory Learning Quality, Laboratory Skill Result,OSCAABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Pembelajaran kelas dan skills lab merupakan bagian yang penting dari proses pendidikan yang komplek dan harus terintegrasi dalam seluruh program pendidikan yang mengacu pada kurikulum, khususnya pencapaian tugas akhir bagi lulusan. Banyak kendala yang ditemukan pada saat persiapan dan pelaksanaan program di kelas dan di skills lab serta mengevaluasi kemampuan mahasiswa, banyaknya kendala ini akan mempengaruhi hasil akhir dari kompetensi peserta didik. Tujuan:  Mengetahui hubungan antara mutu pembelajaran skill lab dengan hasil belajar skill lab mahasiswa tingkat 1 dan 2 pada mata kuliah Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia (KDM) di Akper Widya Husada Semarang. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Keperawatan di Akper Widya Husada Semarang yang berjumlah 118 mahasiswa dengan teknik sampling adalah total sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi Rank Spearman Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara mutu pembelajaran dengan nilai skill laboratorium pada mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Keperawatan di Akper Widya Husada Semarang dengan nilai r sebesar 0,255 dan nilai p sebesar 0,005. Hasil análisis data antara dimensi mutu pembelajaran yang tidak berhubungan adalah kehandalan dan empati, sementara dimensi yang berhubungan adalah daya tanggap, kepastian dan wujud.Kesimpulan:  Adanya hubungan antara mutu pembelajaran dengan hasil pembelajaran skill laboratorium.  Kata kunci :  Mutu pembelajaran, Hasil Skill Lab,OSCA  THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE QUALITY OF LABORATORY LEARNING AND THE RESULT OF STUDENT LABORATORY SKILL IN THE SUBJECT OF HUMAN BASIC NEED IN HEALTH ACADEMY OF WIDYA HUSADA SEMARANGABSTRACTBackground: Class learning and laboratory skills are important parts of complex education process and have to be integrated in the entire education program that refers to curriculum, especially final paper achievement for the graduates. There are many obstacles found in the program preparation and implementation of the class and in the laboratory skill as well as in the evaluation of the student’s competence. The obstacles will affect the final result of the student’s competence. Objective: Finding out the relationship between the quality of laboratory learning and the result of laboratory skill of 2nd semester students in the subject of Human Basic Need in Health Academy of Widya Husada Semarang. Research Methodology: The research was quantitative in nature, with cross sectional approach. The population of the research was the students of the D3 Study Program of Nursing in Health Academy of Widya Husada Semarang. There were 118 students with the sampling technique of total sampling. The data analysis used was Rank Spearman correlation. Research Result: The research has found that there is a significant relationship between the quality of laboratory learning and the score of laboratory skill among the students of D3 Study Program of Nursing in Health Academy of Widya Husada Semarang with r value is 0.255 and p value is 0.005. The result of data analysis among the quality dimensions of laboratory learning that not related were reliability and empathy, while the dimensions related were responsiveness, certainty and form. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the quality of laboratory learning and the result of laboratory skill learning.  34                                                         Jurnal Kebidanan, Vol. IX, No. 01, Juni 2017                                                                        Keywords: Laboratory Learning Quality, Laboratory Skill Result,OSCA

Copyrights © 2017

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