Spektrum Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan
Vol 8, No 4 (2019): spektrum analisis kebijakan pendidikan


Supriyono, Vian Dwitama (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Dec 2019


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan program-program, implementasi kebijakan serta faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer di SMPN 16 Yogyakarta mengacu pada konsep implementasi kebijakan George Edward III. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian: (1) SMPN 16 Yogyakarta melaksanakan program tambahan materi (les), program TPMBK, simulasi, Sosialisasi/pelatihan, Bimbingan klinis (tutor sebaya), dan program motivasi. (2) Implementasi kebijakan UNBK di SMPN 16 Yogyakarta dilakukan dengan a) Komunikasi dengan orang tua melalui rapat komite, komunikasi dengan siswa melalui sosialisasi dan motivasi, b) Sumber daya didukung dengan ketersediaan SDM, infrastruktur, sumber dana, serta alokasi waktu, c) Pelaksana kebijakan memiliki kecakapan dan komitmen dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan UNBK, d) Struktur birokrasi termuat dalam SK Tim UNBK yang diterbitkan oleh kepala sekolah. (3) Faktor pendukung berupa adanya dukungan dan kontribusi dari dari orang tua, adanya Grup WhatsApp, adanya kecakapan dan komitmen dari agen pelaksana, sedangkan faktor penghambatnya yakni masih ada orang tua yang kurang berkontribusi dalam rapat pertemuan orang tua siswa, pelaksana kebijakan memiliki tanggung jawab lain, kekurangan teknisi professional, dan alokasi waktu yang mempforsir siswa.Kata kunci: Imlementasi, Kebijakan, Kelas Olahraga, SMP Negeri 3 PleretABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the programs, implementation of policies and supporting factors and the inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Computer-Based National Examination policy at 16th Public High School in Yogyakarta refers to the concept of policy implementation of George Edward III.This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of the study were: (1) SMP 16 Yogyakarta implemented consists of additional material (tutoring), TPMBK programs, simulation, socialization / training program, clinical guidance (peer tutoring), and motivational programs. (2) Implementation of the UNBK policy at Yogyakarta State Junior High School 16 is done by a) Communication with parents through committee meetings, communication with students through socialization and motivation, b) Resources supported by the availability of human resources, infrastructure,, sources of funding, and available time allocation, c) The policy implementers have the skills and commitment in implementing the UNBK policy, d) The bureaucratic structure is contained in the UNBK Team Decree issued by the principal. (3) Supporting factors in the form of support and contributions from parents, the existence of the WhatsApp, the presence of skills and commitment from the implementing agency, while the inhibiting factor is there are still parents who contribute less at the parents meeting meeting , policy implementers have other responsibilities, lack of professional technicians, and allocation of time to make students progress.Keywords: Implementation, policy, sports class, SMP Negeri 3 Pleret

Copyrights © 2019

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Humanities Education Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences Other


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