Spektrum Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan
Vol 8, No 4 (2019): spektrum analisis kebijakan pendidikan


Pangesti, Triska Fidya (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Dec 2019


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aspirasi masyarakat terhadap pendidikan wajib belajar 12 tahun, faktor yang mempengaruhi serta dampak program Desa Mandiri Pangan (DEMAPAN) pada aspirasi orang tua terhadap pendidikan wajib belajar 12 tahun.Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data model interaktif menggunakan pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, verifikasi.Hasil penelitian (1) Orang tua memiliki aspirasi terhadap pendidikan anak agar menyelesaikan pendidikan pada jenjang SMA, harapannya yaitu, anak memperoleh pekerjaan yang lebih layak dari orang tua, sehingga masa depan bisa lebih baik (2) Aspirasi orang tua dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat. Pada faktor mendukung diantaranya, keluarga yang memberikan dukungan semangat serta membiayai anak dengam membelikan kebutuhan sekolah, pengetahuan (Intelligencey) yang dimiliki oleh anak dengan memperoleh prestasi disekolah sehingga orang tua yakin anak dapat mewujudkan cita-cita dan harapannya, kemudian minat, yaitu keinginan yang sebelumnya telah dimiliki anak untuk menyelesaikan SMA. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yaitu, teman sebaya, sarana prasarana, ekonomi yang dimiliki orang tua (3) program DEMAPAN memberikan pengaruh bagi orang tua yang berpartisipasi dengan cara berwirausaha, yaitu aspirasi atau keinginan orang tua untuk menyekolahkan anaknya lebih yakin dan percaya diri, karena orang tua memiliki penghasilan tambahan dari program tersebut, namun bagi orang tua yang tidak berpartisipasi pada kegiatan tersebut tidak berpengaruh pada aspirasi atau keinginannya.Kata kunci: Implementasi kebijakan, kelas tahfidz, tahfidz al-Qur’an, SDIT Luqman al-Hakim SurakartaAbstractThe aims of this research are to describe the aspiration of community towards 12-year compulsory education, the factors that influence it and the impact of food independent village program on the aspiration of parents towards 12-year compulsory education.Data collection methods were by means of observation, documentation, and interview. The interactive data analysis techniques were done by data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification.The results of this research showed: (1) Parents had aspirations for children's education in order to complete their education until high school level, it was expected that, the children got a more decent job than their parents, so that their future could be better (2) The parents’ aspirations were influenced by supporting factor and inhibiting factor. On the supporting factors, namely family who provided support by giving spirit for the children and by buying school needs; knowledge (Intelligency) owned by the children by achieving school achievements so that parents believed that their children could realize their ideals and hopes; interest, namely the previous desire of children who wanted to finish their education until high school. While, the inhibiting factors, namely peers, infrastructure, and economic owned by parents (3) food independent village program gave influence for parents who participated by means of entrepreneurship that was the aspirations or desires of parents which were more sure and confident to send their children to school, because parents had additional income from the program, but for parents who did not participate in those activity did not influence their aspirations or desires.Keywords: aspiration of community, 12-year compulsory education, food independent village

Copyrights © 2019

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Humanities Education Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences Other


Spectrum Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan is an open access, and peer-reviewed journal. This journal focuses on publishing articles on student research results for undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students. This journal is published every three months. The theme of this journal covers the ...