Pro Food
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Pro Food (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan)

MUTU YOGHURT SUSU KUDA LIAR DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK KAYU MANIS PADA BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI: The Quality of Yoghurt Wild Horse Milk with the Addition of Sweet Wood Extract in Various Concentrations

Siska Cicilia (Unknown)
Nazaruddin Nazaruddin (Unknown)
Siti Sarah Marnianti (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Jul 2021


ABSTRACT Objective of this research was to find out the quality of y Sumbawa wild horse milk yogurt added with cinnamon extract at various concentrations. This research used a single factor completely randomized design (CRD) with a concentration of cinnamon extract (P) consisting of 6 treatments, i.e. P1 (0%), P2 (2%), P3 (4%), P4 (6%), P5 (8%) and P6 (10%). The parameters observed were chemical quality (antioxidant activity, protein content and pH value), physical quality (viscosity and color), microbiological quality (total LAB) and organoleptic quality (color, aroma, taste, and thickness). The data from the observations were analyzed using Anova with a real level of 5% using Costat software. If there was a significant difference, a further Orthogonal Polynomial test carried out for chemical quality, HSD at a significant level of 5% for organoleptic quality, and microbiological quality were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the addition of cinnamon extract affected the quality of the yogurt. The higher the concentration of cinnamon extract, the higher the antioxidant activity, protein content, viscosity, color, total LAB and the lower the pH value. The best quality of yogurt is produced with the addition of 10% cinnamon extract with 35.76% of antioxidant activity, 3.85% of protein content, 4.65 of pH value, 4,746.67 mPa.s of viscosity, color 62o of oHue value and 43,88 of lightness value, 8,2 x 109 CFU/ml of LAB total in accordance with the quality requirements of yoghurt based on SNI 2981: 2009 as well as organoleptics acceptable to the panelists. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu yoghurt susu kuda liar Sumbawa yang ditambahkan dengan ekstrak kayu manis pada berbagai konsentrasi. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal adalah konsentrasi ekstrak kayu manis (P) yang terdiri atas 6 perlakuan, yaitu P1 (0%), P2 (2%), P3 (4%), P4 (6%), P5 (8%) dan P6 (10%) yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati yaitu mutu kimia (aktivitas antioksidan, kadar protein dan nilai pH), mutu fisik (viskositas dan warna), mutu mikrobiologi (total BAL) dan mutu organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa, dan kekentalan). Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan Anova dengan taraf nyata 5% dengan menggunakan software Costat. Apabila terdapat perbedaan nyata, maka dilakukan uji lanjut Polynomial Orthogonal untuk mutu kimia, uji lanjut BNJ pada taraf nyata 5% untuk mutu organoleptik, dan mutu mikrobiologis dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak kayu manis mempengaruhi mutu yoghurt. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak kayu manis, maka semakin meningkat aktivitas antioksidan, kadar protein, viskositas, warna, total BAL serta semakin rendah nilai pH. Mutu yoghurt terbaik dihasilkan dengan penambahan 10% ekstrak kayu manis dengan aktivitas antioksidan 35,76%, kadar protein 3,85%, nilai pH 4,65; viskositas 4746,67 mPa.s; warna dengan nilai ˚Hue 62˚ dan nilai lightness sebesar 43,88; total BAL 8,2x109 CFU/ml yang sesuai dengan persyaratan mutu yoghurt berdasarkan SNI 2981:2009 serta organoleptik yang dapat diterima oleh panelis.

Copyrights © 2021

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Pro Food adalah jurnal yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah di bidang ilmu dan teknologi pangan serta aplikasinya dalam industri pangan. Jurnal Pro Food terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Mei dan November. The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, ...