Jurnal MIPA
Vol 10, No 2 (2021)

Nilai Indeks Aterogenik Plasma (IAP) Dan Indeks Castelli (IC) Mencit Model yang Diinduksi Minyak Trans

Supiyani, Atin (Unknown)
Sukmawati, Dalia (Unknown)
Kusumorini, Nastiti (Unknown)
Santoso, Koekoeh (Unknown)
Satyaningtijas, Aryani Sismin (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 May 2021


dikembangkan melalui pendekatan hewan model untuk mempelajari tentang PJK. Minyak goreng yang digunakan secara berulang dapat meningkatkan kadar asam lemak bebas yang berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan terutama jantung dan pembuluh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengukur indeks aterogenik plasma (IAP) dan indeks Castelli (IC) dari mencit model yang diinduksi minyak trans (MT). Sebanyak 16 ekor mencit galur DDY dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu mencit yang diinduksi 20% minyak trans (MT20), 40% minyak trans (MT40) dan 60% minyak trans (MT60) dan kontrol (K). Persentase minyak trans diberikan berdasarkan dari total energi konsumsi pakan harian. Minyak trans diberikan per oral sehari sekali selama 70 hari. Darah diambil pada hari ke-70 dari vena lateral ekor tikus untuk mengukur profil lipid plasma yaitu kolesterol total, trigliserida (TG), High Density Lippoprotein (HDL) dan Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) plasma  menggunakan alat uji cepat Lipid Pro®. Nilai Indeks Aterogenik Plasma (IAP) yaitu log (TG/HDL) dan Indeks Castelli (IC) yaitu LDL/HDL. Hasil pengkuran profil lipid plasma menunjukkan kolesterol total, trigliserida, HDL dan LDL plasma pada kelompok MT meningkat secara nyata dibandingkan kontrol (sig<0,05). Nilai IA pada mencit yang diberi minyak trans berbeda nyata dari kontrol (sig<0,05) dan memiliki risiko tinggi. Nilai IC pada mencit yang diberi minyak trans berbeda nyata dari kontrol (sig<0,05) dan memiliki risiko sedang-tinggi. Minyak trans meningkatkan nilai indeks aterosklerosis dan indeks resiko koroner mencit.Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a "silent killer" disease. Various studies were developed through an animal model approach to studying CHD. Cooking oil that is used repeatedly can increase levels of free fatty acids which have a negative impact on health, especially the heart and vessels. The aim of this study was to measure the plasma atherogenic index (IAP) and Castelli index (IC) of trans oil-induced model mice (MT). A total of 16 DDY mice were divided into 4 groups, namely mice induced with 20% trans oil (MT20), 40% trans oil (MT40) and 60% trans oil (MT60) and control (K). The percentage of trans oil is given based on the total energy consumption of the daily feed. Trans oil is given orally once a day for 70 days. Blood was taken on the 70th day from the lateral vein of the rat tail to measure the plasma lipid profile, namely total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), High Density Lippoprotein (HDL) and plasma Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) using the Lipid Pro® rapid test kit. The Plasma Atherogenic Index (IAP) values are log (TG / HDL) and the Castelli Index (IC) is LDL / HDL. The results of measuring the plasma lipid profile showed that plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL in the MT group increased significantly compared to the control (sig<0,05). The IA value in mice treated with trans oil was significantly different from the control (sig<0.05) and had a high risk. The IC value in mice treated with trans oil was significantly different from the control (sig<0.05) and had a medium-high risk. Trans oil increased the atherosclerosis index and coronary risk index of mice.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics


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