Indonesian Language Education and Literature
Vol 6, No 2 (2021)

Representasi Kearifan Lokal Jawara dalam Novel Kelomang (The Representation of the Champion's Local Wisdom in the Kelomang Novel)

Asep Muhyidin (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Jul 2021


The aim of this study is to examine how the champion's local wisdom is depicted in Qizink La Aziva's novel entitled Kelomang. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data sources are represented in the novel as words that describe the champion's local wisdom. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques in three stages: categorization, tabulation, and inference. The study's findings show that the champion's figure in the novel's characters is good at self-defence, courage, leadership, armed with machetes and agate, speaking candidly, and a culture of violence. In this novel, a black champion is depicted in the form of Sakib, who is always willing to justify any means to achieve his goal. The idea of a white champion, on the other hand, is portrayed in the character of Saija, who battles for the betterment of society. This study's findings may have implications for learning Indonesian in senior high schools. This is because there are learning components connected to character education in the 2013 Curriculum. The novel's good characters can serve as role models for students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui representasi kearifan lokal jawara dalam novel Kelomang karya Qizink La Aziva. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Data berupa kalimat-kalimat dalam novel yang menggambarkan kearifan lokal jawara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu 1) kategorisasi, 2) tabulasi, dan 3) inferensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan representasi sosok jawara yang terdapat pada tokoh-tokoh yang ada pada novel tersebut bersifat jago bela diri,  pemberani, berjiwa pemimpin, bersenjatakan golok dan memakai batu akik, berbicara ceplas-ceplos, dan budaya kekerasan. Dalam novel ini muncul sosok jawara hitam yang tergambar pada sosok Sakib yang selalu menghalalkan segala cara demi mendapatkan tujuannya. Sebaliknya, sosok jawara putih tergambar pada sosok tokoh Saija yang berjuang demi kepentingan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplikasikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Hal demikian disebabkan karena di dalam Kurikulum 2013 terdapat komponen-komponen pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan penguatan pendidikan karakter. Siswa dapat meneladani karakter baik pada tokoh-tokoh yang ada pada novel tersebut.

Copyrights © 2021

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Arts Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


Indonesian Language Education and Literature is a journal of research publication. The scopes of this research are Indonesian language and literature teaching, either as the first, second, or foreign language. The research can be conducted in elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high ...