Jurnal Sistem informasi dan informatika (SIMIKA)
Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika (Simika)


Edy Rakhmat (Universitas Banten Jaya)
Saleh Dwiyatno (Universitas Serang Raya)
Sulistiyon Sulistiyon (Universitas Serang Raya)
Agus Irawan (Universitas Serang Raya)
Ferli Setiawan (Universitas Serang Raya)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Aug 2021


Private cloud is a type of private storage or only provides limited services to an organization or an agency. OwnCloud is a company whose project is OwnCloud project. The company's slogan is "Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way". OwnCloud is one of the free file sharing software and has provided free security and has an easy or user-friendly user interface so it is easy to use. Owncloud has several features such as creating groups, being able to easily control users and having several other features that are a solution for a cloud-based storage at the Banten Province Public Works and Spatial Planning Office UPTD Serang – Cilegon roads and bridges which do not have integrated storage and still rely on storage such as hard drives, Google Cloud and available storage on the computer or PC in the office which makes it easy to lose and not integrated, therefore a solution using owncoud is made to reduce the existing storage on the computer or PC in the office This is so that all files are stored neatly and by adding a security so that every existing user cannot access data on other users, thus the data can be maintained and cannot be seen by other irresponsible people so that it is easier to operate. its n. By using ownloud which has several features, it makes owncloud more practical.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT


Jurnal SIMIKA diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Banten Jaya. Jurnal SIMIKA Volume 1 Nomor 1 terbit pada bulan Agustus 2018. Jurnal SIMIKA diterbitkan dalam rentang waktu 6 bulan yang artinya dua kali dalam setahun yaitu di bulan Februari dan Agustus. ...