Atrat: Jurnal Seni Rupa


Titihan Sarihati (Unknown)
Immamodin Imammodin (Unknown)
Afiah Safianatunajah (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Mar 2021


Café or restaurant is one of the public facilities that require interior design that meets the comfort aspect so that visitors feel at home in the room. The atmosphere can be formed by physical factors and non-physical factors (including psychological aspects and social aspects). These two things simultaneously influence each other and form the atmosphere of space.This study seeks to examine the application of color in upnormal cafes according to the theme and concept of restaurant interior design, which is an effort to be able to compete both with similar restaurants and other public space facilities. Restaurants with a target market of middle to upper class are required to provide maximum service both from the type of menu and especially the quality of space, atmosphere and comfort.Based on previous research, from the survey results found that there is a relationship between one element forming the atmosphere of the restaurant. So this research will look at the relationship, especially how the colors are applied intensely in the room. Considering the intensity of the application of color in the interior, and the intensity of visitor visits are quite dense, the restaurant chosen is Up Normal Restaurant.This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. The acquisition technique is through survey studies and focus group discussions. From the analysis of the data it was obtained that the application of colors carried out on interior elements in the restaurant can affect the atmosphere of the space.Keywords: interior elements, atmosphere, color__________________________________________________________Café atau restoran merupakan salah satu fasilitas publik yang membutuhkan perancangan interior yang memenuhi aspek kenyamanan sehingga pengunjung merasa betah dalam ruangan. Suasana dapat terbentuk oleh faktor fisik ruang maupun faktor non fisik (meliputi aspek psikologis dan aspek sosial). Kedua hal tersebut secara simultan saling mempengaruhi dan membentuk suasana ruang. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menelaah penerapan warna pada café upnormal sesuai tema dan konsep desain interior restoran, yang mana hal tersebut sebagai upaya untuk mampu bersaing baik dengan restoran-restoran yang sejenis maupun dengan fasilitas public space lainnya. Restoran dengan target pasar masyarakat menengah keatas dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal baik dari jenis menu dan terutama kualitas ruang, suasana dan kenyamanan. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, dari hasil survey ditemukan bahwa terdapat kaitan antara satu elemen pembentuk suasana terhadap pada restoran. Sehingga penelitian ini akan melihat kaitan hal tersebut terutama bagaimana warna diterapkan secara intens dalam ruangan. Menimbang intensitas penerapan warna dalam interiornya, dan intensitas kunjungan pengunjung yang cukup padat, maka restoran yang dipilih adalah Restoran Up Normal. Riset ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Teknik perolehan melalui kajian survey dan fokus diskusi grup. Dari analisis data diperoleh bahwa pengaplikasian warna yang dilakukan pada elemen-elemen interior di restoran dapat mempengaruhi suasana ruang.Kata Kunci: Elemen interior, suasana, warna

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Arts Humanities Education Social Sciences


Atrat is a Journal of Visual Arts containing scientific papers which includes Fine Art and Design, publisher by Jurusan Seni Rupa STSI Bandung (p-ISSN 2339-1642 & e-issn 2722-7200). Jurnal Atrat also embodies the results of various forms of scientific research as well as the creation of artworks, ...