JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Juni


Dewi Perwito Sari (Prodi Farmasi, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya)
Asti Rahayu (Prodi Farmasi, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya)
Asri Wido Mukti (Prodi Farmasi, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya)
Laila M.I. Suwarso (Prodi Farmasi, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2021


Abstrak: Pandemi covid 19 telah menjangkit di 222 negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Upaya terbaik yang dapat dilakukan guna mencegah penularan Covid-19 adalah dengan mendorong agar seluruh warga terlibat aktif dalam pencegahan dan penanganan Covid-19 melalui perubahan perilaku. Perubahan perilaku yang diharapkan terutama patuh terhadap protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19, yang sering dikenal dengan istilah 3M, yaitu_memakai_masker, menjaga_jarak, dan mencuci tangan dengan sabun. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab, tim pengabdi memberi edukasi kepada 27 orang siswa di SMK Kesehatan Yannas Husada Bangkalan. Pengetahuan siswa sebagai peserta diukur menggunakan kuisioner yang diberikan sebelum_dan_sesudah kegiatan_berlangsung. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan siswa tentang protokol kesehatan 3M sebesar 44,1%. Abstract: The Covid 19 pandemic has infected 222 countries in the world, including Indonesia. The best effort must be provided to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in order to encourage all citizens to be involved in the prevention and handling of Covid-19 through habits and life style. The expected habits and life style changes aim to increase the compliance of Covid-19 preventive health protocol, which was often known as 3M, (facemask, social distancing and hand hygiene). Through community service activities with the lecture and discussion method, the service team provided education to 27 students at the Yannas Husada Health Vocational School, Bangkalan. Students' knowledge as participants was measured using a questionnaire given before and after the activity took place. The results of this activity indicated an increase in students' knowledge of 3M's health protocols by 44.1%.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info







JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) is a journal published by the Mathematics Education Departement of Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) aims to disseminate the results of conceptual thinking and ideas, especially the results of educational research ...