Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi


Rahmat Iman Mainil (Unknown)
Nurul Deswita (Unknown)
Afdhal Kurniawan Mainil (Unknown)
Azridjal Aziz (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Oct 2020


ABSTRAK  Salah satu penentu pada kinerja mesin kompresi uap ditentukan adalah massa refrigeran. Kinerja mesin refrigerasi dapat dinilai pada kondisi kerja sistem meliputi temperature kotak pendingin, temperature kerja kondensor dan evaporator, tekanan kerja kondensor dan evaporator, dan daya kompresor pada variasi massa refrigeran yang ditetapkan. Untuk menganalisa kondisi kerja tersebut mesin refrigerasi kompresi uap diisi menggunakan refrigeran HCR-134a dengan variasi massa 60-220 gram. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa untuk seluruh variasi massa refrigeran, temperatur kotak pendingin dapat turun terhadap waktu operasi dimana rata-rata penurunan temperatur adalah 7 ºC. Tekanan evaporator dan tekanan kondensor meningkat dengan meningkatnya jumlah massa refrigeran yang dimasukkan kedalam system, mengakibatkan semakin meningkatnya  kerja kompresor. Kenaikan daya kompresor setiap massa refrigeran rata-rata sebesar 0,016 kW.  Kata kunci : Mesin refrigerasi, kondisi kerja, massa refrigeran   ABSTRACT One of the determinants of the performance of vapor compression machine is refrigerant mass. The performance of refrigeration machine can be assessed on the working conditions of the system including temperature of cooling box, evaporator and condenser  temperature, evaporator and condenser pressure, and compressor power at the specified refrigerant mass variations. To analyze the working conditions, the vapor compression machine was filled by HCR-134a with a mass variation of 20-220 gram. The result showed that for all refrigerant mass variations, the temperature of the cooling box decrease with the operating time with the average temperature drop is 7ºC. The evaporator pressure and condenser pressure increase with the increase in the mass of refrigerant introduced into the system, resulting in increased of compressor work. In average, the increase in compressor power for each mass of refrigerant is 0.016 kW. Keywords : Refrigeration machine, working conditions, refrigerant mass

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Computer Science & IT Education Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Mechanical Engineering


Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi (JST), is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published regularly every six months, namely in March and September. The reviewing results will be provided within four weeks for most of the submitted articles. Articles are submitted for review with the understanding that they ...