Nabawi: Journal of Hadith Studies
Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Nabawi Journal of Hadith Studies


Sayidatul Afifah Rusda (Ma'
had Aly Hasyim Asy'
ari Tebuireng)

Sri Ayu Fatmawati (Ma'
had Aly Hasyim Asy'
ari Tebuireng)

Sepriyana Sepriyana (Ma'
had Aly Hasyim Asy'
ari Tebuireng)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Apr 2021


Hadis sebagai sumber hukum kedua setelah al-Quran, Karakteristik dasarnya hadir dalam bentuk Jawami’ul Kalim. Bertolak kepada kekhasan susunan kebahasaannya,  maka peneliti berusaha mengungkap karakteristiknya. Syaikh Mustafa Sadiq Al-Rafi’i. salah satu penyair yang lahir di Qulbiya, Mesir. Mendefinisikan unsur  yang termuat di dalam hadis kedalam Al Khulus, al qasd, dan al istifa’, dimana ketiganya unsur ada dalam seluruh hadis, yang menyelamatkan hadis dari segala kekurangan baik keruwetan, ataupun peninjauan kembali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi pustaka, Data yang diperoleh dikompilasi, dianalisis dan disimpulkan. Penelitian ini dianggap penting karena pembahasannya yang diangkat terkait dengan karakteristik yang menjadikan hadis sebagai literatur yang tidak hanya memiliki keindahan kebahasaan namun juga kekhususannya dalam uslub bahasa arab. Dari hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan bahwa hadis tidak sekedar bahasa yang indah dari Rasulullah saw. yang merupakan afsahul arab, juga memiliki keindahan secara unsur kebahasaannya. AbstractHadith as the second source of law after alquran, its basic characteristics are present in the form of Jawamiul Kalim which has a role as guidance, conveyor, and explanatory for everything that is brought in the Al-Qur'an. Starting from the peculiarities of the language, the researcher tries to reveal its characteristics. Shaykh Mustafa Shodiq Ar-Rafi'I. one of the poets who was born in Qulbiya, Egypt. Defining the elements contained in Hdis into alkhulus, alqasd, and alistifa', where the three elements are present in the whole hadith, which saves the hadith from all deficiencies, both complications and reconsideration The method used in this research is literature study method, the data obtained are compiled, analyzed and concluded. This research is considered important because the discussion raised is related to the characteristics that make hadith a literature that not only has the beauty of language but also its specificity in the Arabic language uslub. From the results of the analysis the researcher found that hadith is not just a beautiful language than Rasulullah who is an Afshahul Arabic not only only linguistically beautiful.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Religion Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


NABAWI: Journal of Hadith Studies provide a platform for researchers on hadith and history of hadith. Author can send his research about hadith on any perspective. Nevertherless, We suggest the following broad areas of research: 1. Takhrij and dirasat al-asanid 2. Ulumul Hadith 3. Living Hadith 4. ...