Nabawi: Journal of Hadith Studies
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Nabawi Journal of Hadith Studies

KAJIAN KRITIK HADIS; Perlindungan Hak Konsumen Terhadap Risiko Jual Beli

Mohamad Anang Firdaus (IAIN Kediri)

Article Info

Publish Date
16 Aug 2020


Penelitian ini akan membahas sebuah hadis sahih muslim yang dihasankan oleh software Gwami’ Alkalem. Sanad hadis tersebut dihukumi hasan karena terdapat rawi yang berpotensi melakukan tadlis (penggelapan riwayat) yakni Abu Zubair. Hadis tersebut menjadi penting karena dipakai sebagai dasar kewajiban penjual memberi ganti rugi atas kerusakan buah karena penyakit buah saat sampai pada pembeli. Untuk mempermudah dalam menemukan hadis yang diteliti, takhrij hadis dalam penelitian ini ditelusuri melalui website, dan didukung Kitab Mu’jam Mufahras li Alfazh al-Hadith al-Nabawi dan Miftah Kunuz al-Sunnah kemudian dilakukan cross check pada referensi primernya. Adapun kritik sanad, menggunakan lima kriteria hadis sahih. Sedangkan kritik matannya menggunakan kaidah kritik matan Muhammad Ghazali. Hasilnya, hadis ini adalah hadis sahih karena semua rawi dalam hadis ini siqqah. Abu Zubair dianggap siqqah karena komentar ulama yang menjarhnya tidak mutlak, melainkan hanya jika Abu Zubair tidak menggunakan kata “sami’tu” dalam meriwayatkan hadis. Salah satu kekurangan Gwami’ al-kalem yang terungkap dari penelitian ini adalah tidak mampu membedakan lafal tahammul wa ada’ sehingga menimbulkan hasil hukum sanad yang kurang tepat.Kata Kunci: Kritik Hadis, Risiko, Jual Beli, Hasan, Sahih MuslimAbstractThis research will discuss a hadith on sahih muslim that was identified as hasan by Gwami 'Alkalem software. The sanad of the hadith was identified as hasan because there was a rawi who had the potential to commit tadlis (embezzlement of history), namely Abu Zubair. In addition, the importance of hadith is used as the basis for the seller's obligation to compensate for fruit damage due to fruit disease when it reaches the buyer. To make it easier to find the hadiths under study, the hadith was traced through the website, and supported by the book Mu'jam Mufahras li Alfazh al-Hadith al-Nabawi and Miftah Kunuz al-Sunnah is then cross-checked on its primary reference. As for the sanad criticism, it uses the five criteria of authentic hadith. Meanwhile, the critique of his matn uses the principles of Muhammad Ghazali. As a result, this hadith is a hadith sahih. One of the shortcomings of Gwami 'al-kalem which was revealed from this study is that it is not able to distinguish the pronunciation of tah} ammul wa ada.Keywords: Hadith Criticism, Risk, Buying and Selling, Hasan, Sahih Muslim

Copyrights © 2020

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Religion Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


NABAWI: Journal of Hadith Studies provide a platform for researchers on hadith and history of hadith. Author can send his research about hadith on any perspective. Nevertherless, We suggest the following broad areas of research: 1. Takhrij and dirasat al-asanid 2. Ulumul Hadith 3. Living Hadith 4. ...