Nabawi: Journal of Hadith Studies
Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Nabawi Journal of Hadith Studies


Ahmad Rudik (Ma'
had Aly Hasyim Asy'
ari Tebuireng)

Mohammad Abdul Rois (Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Apr 2021


Praktik Salat Duha dan Salat Tahajud Berjamaah di Pondok Pesantren Hamalatul Qur’an Jogoroto Jombang, berfungsi untuk membantu hafalan dan muraja’ah santri. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu cara melestarikan kebiasaan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari dan ulama salaf. Penenlitian ini menjelaskan tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan, struktur genealogi pemikiran, dan tinjauan hadisnya. Untuk mendapatkan data, peneliti melakukan observasi dan wawancara, serta mencari hadisnya di kutubus sittah dan keterangan para ulama’ di kitab fiqh. Peneliti mendapati pelaksanaan salat duha pada pukul 06.00 – 06.30 WIB dengan maqra’ setengah juz dan tahajud berjamaah dilaksanakan pukul 02.30 WIB (persiapan) – 03.45 WIB. Kegiatan tersebut dipimpin langsung oleh pengasuh dengan bi al-hifz}i dan disimak oleh para santri yang lain dengan mushaf yang dibawa ketika salat (bi an-naz}ar). Tradisi ini merupakan gagasan pengasuh yang terinspirasi dari pengalaman  pribadi Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Hamalatul Qur’an sebagai alumni Pondok Pesantren Madrasatul Qur’anHHhhhhhhhhh. Walaupun tidak ada hadis yang menganjurkan atau melarang tahajud berjamaah sambil membawa mushaf untuk menyimak bacaan imam, tapi berjamaah dan memperhatikan bacaan imam adalah hal yang baik dan memiliki fadhilah/keutamaan. ABSTRACTThe congregational of Duha Prayers and Tahajud Prayers at the Hamalatul Qur'an Jogoroto Jombang Islamic Boarding School, serves to help the students memorize and muraja'ah. This activity is to preserve the habit of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari and salaf scholars. This research describes the activities, the genealogy of thought, and a review of the hadiths. To get the data, the researcher made observations and interviews, and looked for the hadith in the kutubu sittah and the explanation of the scholars in the book of fiqh. Research found that duha prayer is held at 06.00 - 06.30 WIB and tahajud is held at 02.30 WIB (preparation) - 03.45 WIB with maqra 'half juz. The Head of pesantren read it from his memory and listened to by students with a mushaf on their hands. This tradition is an idea of The Head of pesantren which is inspired by the his experience as an alumni of the Madrasatul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School of Tebuireng. Although there is no hadith that recommends or prohibits tahajud in congregation while carrying a Mushaf to listen to the Imam's reading, congregation and paying attention to the reading of the Imam is a good thing and has fadila / virtue.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Religion Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


NABAWI: Journal of Hadith Studies provide a platform for researchers on hadith and history of hadith. Author can send his research about hadith on any perspective. Nevertherless, We suggest the following broad areas of research: 1. Takhrij and dirasat al-asanid 2. Ulumul Hadith 3. Living Hadith 4. ...