Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Vol 15 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Volume 15 Number 1 April 2021

English Learning Interactive Media for Early Childhood Through the Total Physical Response Method

Suryana, Dadan (Unknown)
Sari, Novi Engla (Unknown)
Winarti (Unknown)
Lina (Unknown)
Mayar, Farida (Unknown)
Satria, Sri (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Apr 2021


Although there are several approaches and strategies for teaching foreign languages, the Total Physical Response (TPR) approach is the most suitable for young learners. TPR is a way of teaching language that is based on the synchronization of speech and behaviour, or in other words, teaching language through movement. This study aims to develop English learning media for children through the Total Physical Response (TPR) method. This study uses a Research and Development (R & D) approach. The development model used is the ADDIE development model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). Data collection techniques in this study were based on the results of expert validation tests, media practicality tests, and media effectiveness tests on children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten. The results showed that the validity test of developing interactive media for children's English learning through the TPR method by media expert was declared valid with the result of 93%. The validity test on the material aspect shows the result is 98%. In the language aspect, the language expert gave the results of the feasibility of the language used in the media with a value of 96%. Likewise, with the practicality test, the results showed that the media had an average value of practicality with a percentage of 94%. The most important result in media development is determined by the results of the effectiveness test, and this media gets an average percentage score of 77.8% on the media tested on children. Therefore, interactive media for children's English learning through the Total Physical Response method deserves to be used as interactive and quality learning media that is practical and effective for early childhood. Intervention in introducing how to develop interactive media for learning English to teachers can be carried out in further research. Keywords: Early Childhood, English Learning Media, Total Physical Response (TPR) method References: Amri, S. (2013). 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JPUD - The Early Childhood Education Journal contains articles which are the results of research in the field of Early Childhood ...