HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development)
Vol 4 No 3 (2020): HIGEIA: July 2020

Praktik Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas

Octaviyani, Melly (Unknown)
Budiono, Irwan (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Jul 2020


ABSTRAK Puskesmas Pandanaran merupakan puskesmas dengan cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif terendah se-Kota Semarang tahun 2017 sebesar 29.77% (170 bayi) dan tahun 2018 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 40,88% (139 bayi) namun belum memenuhi target 65%. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahuii faktor yang berhubungan dengan praktik pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pandanaran. Desain penelitian menggunakan mixed method. Jenis penelitian adalah observasionall analitik, desain cross sectional. Sampel ditetapkan sebesar 64 ibu menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen penelitian yakni kuesioner dan pedoman wawancara. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square dan regresi logistik. Data kualitatif disajikan dalam bentuk narasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan pengetahuan (p=0,001), sikap (p=0,014), pekerjaan (p=0,005), paritas (p=0,004), pelaksanaan IMD (p=0,001), dukungan keluarga (p=0,001), dukungan petugas kesehatan (p=0,004), dukungan kader posyandu (p=0,001) dan tidak terdapat hubungan pendidikan, umur ibu (p=0,702), kondisi kesehatan ibu (p=0,33). Simpulan penelitian ini, pengetahuan merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap praktik pemberian ASI eksklusif. ABSTRACT Pandanaran Community Health Center is a health center with the lowest coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Semarang City in 2017 amounting to 29.77% (170 babies) and in 2018 increased to 40.88% (139 babies) but did not meet the 65% target. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors associated with the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. The research design uses mixed method. This type of research is observationall analytic withdesign cross sectional. The sample at 64 mothers using a simple random sampling technique. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview guidelines. Quantitative data were analyzed using chi square and logistic regression. Qualitative data is presented in narrative form. The results showed that there was a relationship of knowledge(p=0,001), attitude(p=0,014), employment(p=0,005), parity(p=0,004), implementation of IMD(p=0,001), family support(p=0,001), support health workers(p=0.004), support for posyandu cadres(p=0,001) and were not asossiated educationall relationship, maternal age(p=0.702), maternal health condition(p=0.33). Conclusion of this study, knowledge is the most influential factor in the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.

Copyrights © 2020

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Public Health


The "Higeia" (Journal of Public Health Research and Development) is a scientific periodical journal containing scientific papers in the form of qualitative and quantitative research reports or research articles (original article research paper) with focus on epidemiology, biostatistics and ...