Economics Development Analysis Journal
Vol 5 No 4 (2016): Economics Development Analysis Journal

Strategi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Petani Garam Melalui Pendayagunaan Aset Tanah Pegaraman

Ihsannudin, Ihsannudin (Unknown)
Pinujib, Sukmo (Unknown)
Subejo, Subejo (Unknown)
Sumada Bangko, Bertus (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
14 Mar 2018


Madura bernilai strategis dalam produksi garam nasional, namun kenyataannya kondisi petani garam masih hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Penelitian bertujuan merumuskan strategi pemberdayaan petani garam melalui pendayagunaan aset pertanahan dengan pendekatan subsistem budaya-kelembagaan dan subsistem ekonomi. Guna mencapai hal tersebut, perlu diketahui kondisi subsistem budaya-kelembagaan dan subsistem ekonomi petani garam. Selain itu, dikaji faktor-faktor penyebab ketidakberdayaan petani. Hasil analisis menunjukkan subsistem budaya menunjukkan bahwa usaha pegaraman adalah bagian budaya masyarakat yang mengakar dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masyarakat Madura. Sementara dari subsistem kelembagaan menunjukkan petani garam dikelompokkan menjadi petani pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap (mantong). Pendekatan subsistem ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa produksi garam sangat tergantung iklim dan cuaca dan masih menggunakan teknologi tradisional. Strategi pemberdayaan bagi petani pemilik tanah adalah dengan mengupayakan sertifikasi tanah untuk mendukung akses permodalan. Sementara untuk mantong diarahkan memperoleh redistribusi tanah oyek landreform yang kemudian disertifikasi. Tanah tanah yang telah disertifikasi tersebut nantinya dapat dilakukan konsolidasi tanah yang berperan pada peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi garam serta mereduksi biaya transportasi. Tanah yang telah tersertifikasi juga dapat digunakan untuk agunan guna mengakses modal. Madura has an important role in the national salt production. unfortunately, most of salt farmers in Madura are living under the poverty line. This paper discuss about the strategies to empower salt farmers through improving the access of lands, proposing culture-institutional and economic subsytem approch. This strategy can be formulated by investigate the condition of the cultural- institutional and economic subsystem of salt farmers. In addition, also discussed the factors that cause the incapacities of the farmers to improve their welfare. The result based on cultural subsystem show that salt production is part of the Madura culture that deeply entrenched. Then, based on institutional subsystem show salt farmers can be divided into two type: the farmers that own their lands and peasant farmers (mantong). Meanwhile, based on economic sub system describe the existing salt production system is traditionally managed, highly dependent on the weather and climate condition. An empowerment strategy for the landowners is to get land registration to access the capital. While empowering for mantong directed to acquire redistribution on land reform object. Salt land that has been certified can be consolidated which contribute to increasing the quantity and quality of salt production and reduce transportation costs. Then salt that has been certified can be be used for collateral in order to access capital.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


The journal scope is related to the research in developing countries such as development studies, poverty adequate, inequality, unemployment studies, behavioral economics, human development problems and many other issues. Economics Development Analysis Journal also publishes an articles related to ...