Jurnal Sehat Mandiri
Vol 16 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Sehat Mandiri, Volume 16, No.2 Desember 2021

Pengaruh Luas Penampang Wadah Terhadap Besarnya Reduksi Volume Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Larva Lalat Bsf (Black Soldier Fly)

Bayu Chondro Purnomo (Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang)
Nurjazuli Nurjazuli (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro)
Suhartono Suhartono (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2021


This research is Quasi experimental with the Post Only Group Design method. This study uses the amount of maggot and organic waste with a ratio of 1: 2, with 1/2 kg of maggot against 1 kg of garbage, with a volume of 6000 cm3 containers and a variation of the cross sectional variation of 20x20 cm2 with a height of 15 cm, the cross section area of ​​30x20 cm2 with a height of 10 cm and 10 cm and the cross section area of 30x40 cm2 with a height of 5 cm. Based on the results of the research that has been made, the waste reduction by BSF larvae, the cross-sectional area of ​​20x20 cm was 516.7 gr, the cross-sectional area of ​​30x20 cm was 555.6 gr, while the cross-section area of ​​30x40 cm was 644.4 gr. The highest reduction is obtained from the cross-sectional area of ​​30x40 cm. Based on the results of the normality test it obtained the value of P-Value> α (0.05). This indicates that the data is distributed normally by looking at the variant difference test, obtained a value of p-value 0.049 (<α). Then it can be concluded that there is an influence between cross-sectional area and waste reduction by BSF larvae. The wider cross-section of the garbage container, the easier BSF larvae reduce organic waste.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Environmental Science Public Health


Call for paper jurnal sehat mandiri edisi Juni 2022 dengan focus dan scope : Ilmu-ilmu Kebidanan, Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan, Ilmu Keperawatan, Ilmu Gizi, Ilmu Keperawatan Gigi dan Ilmu Promosi Kesehatan, Kedokteran, Farmasi, Analisis Kesehatan, Fisioterapi, Elektromedik, Rekam Medik, Keselamatan dan ...