Jurnal Sains Teknologi dan Lingkungan (JSTL)

Biokonversi Limbah Organik Menjadi Magot Sebagai Sumber Protein Pengganti Tepung Ikan

Nefi Andriana Fajri (Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram, Jl. Kaktus No. 1-3 (0370) 641275 Mataram)
Ria Harmayani (Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram, Jl. Kaktus No. 1-3 (0370) 641275 Mataram)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Dec 2020


 Bioconversion is one of the ways to treat organic waste (market abundance) which is a problem today, namely by utilizing microorganisms such as Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae as biodegradation agents. This study aims to study the life cycle of BSF in market waste media and to determine the potential of BSF larvae to break down market waste. This research was conducted for 8 months starting from the pre-study until the implementation of the study. The observation phases carried out in this study included 1) the life cycle of BSF in the chopped and non-chopped organic market waste media. 2) the potential of BSF larva / maggot in breaking down chopped and not chopped organic market waste. The results showed that the hatching process from eggs to larvae took three to four days. The larval phase which is still yellowish white lasts approximately 12 days, in this phase the larvae will need a lot of food. The prepupa phase occurs from the 19th day and the pupal phase is 100% achieved on the 24-26th day. Maggot has the ability to degrade market waste up to 84 ± 4.90% in market waste that is enumerated and around 69 ± 5.83% breaks down market waste that is not chopped

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Computer Science & IT Public Health


Jurnal Sains Teknologi dan Lingkungan (JSTL), merupakan media untuk publikasi tulisan asli yang berkaitan dengan sains teknologi dan lingkungan baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Jurnal Sains Teknologi dan Lingkungan (JSTL) merupakan jurnal ilmiah terbitan berkala dua kali setahun ...