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PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN PAKAN TERNAK DENGAN PEMANFAATAN SARANA BUMDES BERSAMA BAGI KELOMPOK USAHA KAWASAN PEDESAAN Ria Harmayani; Abyadul Fitriyah; Yuni Mariani; Ni Made Andry Kartika; Nefi Andriana Fajri; Lalu Moh. Nazar Fajri; Muhammad Sohibul Ihsan; Sukran Makmun
KARYA ABDI Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Article
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/karyaabdi.v2i2.1744


Utilization of local feed resources aims to encourage the independence of farmers in meeting the needs of feed ingredients and their processing. The independence of farmers can be supported by maximizing livestock farming and collaborating with BUMDes in order to create an increase in the economic welfare of livestock business groups in rural areas. the use of BUMDes together for livestock business groups in rural areas provides a forum for breeders and BUMDes management to continue to develop businesses, especially livestock businesses. It is hoped that the development of livestock business at the joint BUMDes in Aikmel District can minimize the low productivity of livestock and the use of local feed raw materials in rural areas, so that the joint BUMDes continue their business and farmers can more easily get the transfer of knowledge of feed technology and feed supplements in efforts to increase livestock productivity. The stages in this service include observation, planning, follow-up and evaluation. The training implementation methods are lectures and direct practice, question and answer and discussion methods. Based on the results of the training, it shows that the participants have been able to carry out management and management of livestock business units in their respective livestock groups, which can be seen from the training and mentoring carried out by the resource persons.
Biokonversi Limbah Organik Menjadi Magot Sebagai Sumber Protein Pengganti Tepung Ikan Nefi Andriana Fajri; Ria Harmayani
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v6i2.173


 Bioconversion is one of the ways to treat organic waste (market abundance) which is a problem today, namely by utilizing microorganisms such as Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae as biodegradation agents. This study aims to study the life cycle of BSF in market waste media and to determine the potential of BSF larvae to break down market waste. This research was conducted for 8 months starting from the pre-study until the implementation of the study. The observation phases carried out in this study included 1) the life cycle of BSF in the chopped and non-chopped organic market waste media. 2) the potential of BSF larva / maggot in breaking down chopped and not chopped organic market waste. The results showed that the hatching process from eggs to larvae took three to four days. The larval phase which is still yellowish white lasts approximately 12 days, in this phase the larvae will need a lot of food. The prepupa phase occurs from the 19th day and the pupal phase is 100% achieved on the 24-26th day. Maggot has the ability to degrade market waste up to 84 ± 4.90% in market waste that is enumerated and around 69 ± 5.83% breaks down market waste that is not chopped
Pengaruh Penambahan Jamur Tiram (PLEUROTUS SP.) Terhadap Nilai Komposisi Kimia Dan Organoleptik Bakso Ayam Broiler Ria Harmayani; Nefi Andriana Fajri
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v7i1.181


Experimental research aimed to determine the effect of the addition of oyster mushrooms on the chemical composition and organoleptic value of broiler chicken meatballs. The research was corried out for 4 months from July to October 2020. The making of broiler chicken meatballs and organoleptics tests was carried out at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Science UNW Mataram and chemical composition analysis was carried out at the INMT Laboratory of Mataram University. The research design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments, namely the addition of oyster mushrooms as much as 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of the weight of chicken meat and each treatment there were 5 replications. The data from the research on the chemical composition of chicken meatballs were analyzed using variant analysis and continued with the LSD test and the organoleptic values were obtained using a hedonic scale from 30 panelists who were somewhat trained as replication, then analyzed using the Friedman Test. The analysis of variance result showed that the addition of oyster mushrooms in broiler’s chicken meatball dough had a very significant effect (P >0.01) on the value of chemical composition, namely moisture, ash, fat, fiber and protein content and had a significant effect (P>0.05) organoleptic values are colour preference, taste and aceeptance of meatballs, but it has no significant effect (P< 0.05) on the preference for aroma and texture of meatballs. The formulation of addition oyster mushrooms to broiler chicken meatballs based on the chemical composition value is the addition of 10% oyster mushrooms containing the highest protein of 8.51±0.014%, when compared to the addition of mushroom addition 0%, 20% and 30% and has met Indonesian National Standard for combination meatball and can be recomended for as nutritional terapy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the organoleptic value, the formulation of broiler chicken meatballs with the addition of oyster mushrooms as much as 30% can provide higher organoleptic (colour, taste and acceptability) when compared to the addition of 0%, 10% and 20%.
Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Dengan Sistem Mahasiswa Menyapa Madarasah (M3) Adib Zata Ilmam; Mufidah Mufidah; Mourris Sagara; Ria Harmayani; Moh. Nizar; Sohibul Ihsan; Ernawan Sidiq Budiarto; Didin Hadi Saputra
BERDAYA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : LPMP Imperium

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36407/berdaya.v2i1.164


ABSTRACTOne of the vision and mission of education in our country is to improve the quality of human resources. The more people who are educated, the more able for a country to build its nation. Therefore, one way to advance this is the implementation of the program addressing madrassas. One of the target activities of the program addressing this madrasa is schools or madrasas whose student or student activities still need further assistance so that they are at least able to match the quality of schools that have been independent in academic activities. The problem that the team of devotees wants to solve in this dedication activity is the realization of one of the activities of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, which is interrelated to one another in the learning process and supporting activities. The method or step carried out in the service activities of lecturers from the Nahdlatul Wathan University (UNW) Mataram, namely conducting socialization with the service team. The result of this service is the provision of material in the service activities or programs to the target schools given in the service activities this time. This is useful to generate enthusiasm for learning, awareness, and change the behavior of students and madrasa or school students into successful learners than ever before. In this dedication activity, students / I are also given knowledge, invited to come down directly and practice what has been explained in the previous greeting activitySalah satu visi dan misi pendidikan di Negara kita adalah meningkatkan kualitas sumber manusia. Makin banyak orang yang berpendidikan, maka makin mampu bagi suatu negara untuk membangun bangsanya. Oleh sebab itu, salah satu cara untuk memajukan hal tersebut adalah pelaksanaan program menyapa madrasah. Salah satu sasaran kegiatan dari program menyapa madrasah ini adalah sekolah atau madrasah yang kegiatan siswa atau siswinya masih perlu pendampingan lebih lanjut agar minimal mampu menyamai kualitas di sekolah yang telah mandiri dalam kegiatan akademik. Keywords: Management of household finances, family welfare ABSTRAKSalah satu visi dan misi pendidikan di Negara kita adalah meningkatkan kualitas sumber manusia. Makin banyak orang yang berpendidikan, maka makin mampu bagi suatu negara untuk membangun bangsanya. Oleh sebab itu, salah satu cara untuk memajukan hal tersebut adalah pelaksanaan program menyapa madrasah. Salah satu sasaran kegiatan dari program menyapa madrasah ini adalah sekolah atau madrasah yang kegiatan siswa atau siswinya masih perlu pendampingan lebih lanjut agar minimal mampu menyamai kualitas di sekolah yang telah mandiri dalam kegiatan akademik. Masalah yang ingin dipecahkan oleh tim pengabdi dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah terwujudnya salah satu kegiatan dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, yakni yang saling terkait satu sama lain dalam proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan penunjang. Metode atau langkah pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan pengabdian dosen dari Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan (UNW) Mataram, yakni melakukan sosialisais bersama tim pengabdi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah pemberian materi dalam kegiatan pengabdian atau program kepada sekolah binaan diberikan pada kegiatan pengabdian kali ini. Hal ini berguna untuk menimbulkan gairah untuk belajar, rasa sadar, dan mengubah perilaku siswa dan siswi madrasah atau sekolah menjadi pembelajar yang sukses dari sebelumnya. Pada kegiatan pengabdian kali ini, para siswa/I juga diberikan pengetahuan, diajak turun langsung dan mempraktikkan apa yang sudah dijelaskan pada kegiatan menyapa sebelumnya. Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga, kesejahteraan keluarga
PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH KOTORAN SAPI MENJADI ENERGI GAS NON FOSIL DAN PUPUK ORGANIK DI DESA BATU KUTA LOMBOK BARAT Abyadul Fitriyah; Ria Harmayani; Aisah Jamili; Yuni Mariani; Ni Made Andry Kartika; Isyaturriyadhah Isyaturriyadhah
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v4i3.5396


ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian masyarakat (PPM) ini bertujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat pada  Kelompok Tani Ternak (KTT) di desa Batu Kuta Lombok Barat dalam memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi yang melimpah untuk membuat instalasi energi gas non fosil, dan pembuatan pupuk kompos. Metode yang diterapkan oleh Tim PPM meliputi, sosialisasi/penyuluhan dan pelatihan/workshop pembuatan pupuk kompos dan pembuatan instalasi energi gas non fosil (biogas) yang diikuti dengan pelatihan pengoperasian dan perawatannya serta pemasaran produk. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa program PPM berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar. Program ini mampu memberi motivasi kepada petani peternak KTT  Wirasinge di desa Batu Kuta Lombok Barat dalam memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ternak menjadi bahan bakar biogas dan pupuk kompas yang secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kendala-kendala yang muncul pada tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan PPM dapat diatasi dengan metode monitoring, evaluasi dan pendampingan. Penerapan teknologi yang dilaksanakan di Desa Batu Kuta telah menghasilkan biogas sebagai sumber energi alternatif bagi peternak. Saran yang dapat diajukan dari hasil kegiatan PPM ini bagi masyarakat desa Batu Kuta, diharapkan untuk tetap melanjutkan program ini dan perlunya pendampingan dalam pengelolaan keuangan. Bagi pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat mensosialisasikan program ini untuk diterapkan pada masyarakat di daerah atau desa lain dengan kondisi pertanian dan peternakan yang memadai. Bagi pemerintah pusat hendaknya selalu meluncurkan program sejenis untuk terus dapat dilaksanakan dan dikembangkan dalam rangka membantu masyarakat di pedesaan yang terdampak langsung dari efek pandemik dan merasakan terpuruknya keadaan ekonomi. Kata kunci: limbah kotoran sapi; gas non fosil; pupuk organic ABSTRACTThe Community Service Program (PPM) is aimed for community development of ranchers group at Batu Kuta West Lombok, to use the abundant cow manure in making non-fossil fuel installation as well as compost fertilizer. The PPM Team employed socialization and workshop in making non-fossil fuel installation (biogas) and compost fertilizer, followed by workshops in operating, maintenance, and product marketing. The results revealed the PPM Team program was executed accordingly, providing motivations to Wirasinge’s ranchers Group at Batu Kuta by turning cow manure into non-fossil fuel biogas and compost fertilizer which indirectly improved the people's income and prosperity. Meanwhile, the Problems encountered were solved using monitoring, evaluation, and accompaniment. Further, the technology implementation outcome is the biogas, which becomes the ranchers's alternative energy source. It is suggested by the PPM team for the Wirasinge  ranchers Group or people at Batu Kuta to continue with the program and initiate accompaniment in financial management, while the local government is expected to socialize the program in other villages with adequate cattle conditions. The central government is also expected to initiate and develop similar programs often, to help the villagers' from the pandemic effect and worsened economical conditions. Keywords: cow manure; non-fossil fuel; organik fertilizer
Socialization Of Livestock Product Processing Technology As An Alternative To Improve The Economy And Community Health During Pandemic Ni Made Andry Kartika; Yuni Mariani; Ria Harmayani Harmayani; Nevi Andriana Fajri; Muhammad Shohibul Ihsan; Lalu Muh. Nazar Fajri
KARYA ABDI Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Article
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/karyaabdi.v2i1.1637


Dampak pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi mengakibtkan subsector peternakan yang merupakan salah satu penggerak dibidang ekonomi juga terpengaruh. Materi sosialisasi teknologi pengolahan hasil ternak yang dilakukan adalah pembuatan bakso ayam dengan berbagai macam bahan campuran seperti kacang koro pedang(Canavalia gladianta) dan jamur tiram(Pleurotus sp). Kegiatan dilakuan di Desa Bilebante yang dilakuakn oleh dosen Fakultas Peternakan UNW Mataram bekerjasama dengan UD.Azhari. Penggunaan tepung koro didasarkan dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata pada nilai gizi bakso ayam yang telah dicampur tepung koro pada tingkat kepercayaan (P>0.01). Sebagai contoh pada level perlakuan 20% terlihat kandungan protein, lemak kasar, dan serat kasarnya menjadi meningkat nilai gizinya yaitu dari 9,65 % menjadi 11,19% untuk protein, 0,64 % menjadi 0,84% lemak kasar dan 0,08% menjadi 0,27% serat kasar (Ni Made Andry Kartika dan Alimuddin 2020). Sementara itu, penambahan jamur tiram bermanfaat meningkatkan nilai serat pada bakso ayam yang telah diolah. kesimpulan dari kegiatan PKM yang dilakukan oleh Dosen Fakultas Peternakan,MIPA dan Ilmu Administrasi UNW bersama UD. Azari di desa Bilebante anatraa lian ; peserta paham dan mampu mengerti terkait materi sosialisasi teknologi pengolahan hasil ternak sebagai alternative peningkatan ekonomi dan kesehatan masyarakat di masa pandemik. Penambahan bahan seperti tepung kacang koro dan jamur tiram ternyata mampu meningkatkan nilai gizi yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan dan pertembuhan anak – anak. Selain itu, dengan sosilisasi dan praktek langsung ini, peserta mempunyai ide – ide lainnya yang dapat dieksekusi menjadi usaha skala rumah tangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.939 KB)


One of the visions and missions of national public health development is to improve the quality of human health. One way to achieve this is the implementation of the Covid-19 socialization program. The target of the Covid-19 socialization program is housewives who are given further understanding and assistance regarding Covid-19 so that they are able to independently improve the quality of their personal, family and environmental health in social life and change mindsets in maintaining health. The problem that the service team wants to solve in this service activity is the realization of increased awareness of personal and family health as well as the environment from Covid-19, namely management of maintaining health that is interrelated with the role of housewives as the spearhead of family health. Methods or implementation steps carried out in the service activities of lecturers from Nahdlatul Wathan University (UNW) Mataram, namely conducting socialization with the service team. The result of this service is the provision of Covid-19 material and management of maintaining health in service activities or programs to housewives as the target of activities. From this activity, it is able to increase passion and change in a broader mindset about the understanding of Covid-19, increase awareness of maintaining health and motivate the application of new normal adaptations and clean living habits of housewives so as to maximize the implementation of the responsibility of maintaining family health. In addition, housewives are provided with knowledge, direct practice and are involved in practicing the material that has been described.
ANALISIS EKONOMI USAHA PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH JERAMI PADI MENJADI PAKAN AMONIASI DI DESA BATU KUTA LOMBOK BARAT Abyadul Fitriyah; Ria Harmayani; Aisah Jamili; Yuni Mariani; Ni Made Andry Kartika; Isyaturriyadhah Isyaturriyadhah
JAS (Jurnal Agri Sains) Vol 5, No 1: Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jas.v5i1.560


Tujuan dari peneilitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis besarnya biaya dalam mengelola usaha pakan Amoniasi pada kelompok Tani Ternak (KTT) Wiresinge di desa Batu Kuta Lombok Barat, dan untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan serta R/C rasio dari usaha tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik survey. Adapun jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 40 orang responden yang berasal dari KTT Wiresinge dan dipilih secara simple random sampling. Sedangkan pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive. Besarnya biaya dalam mengelola usaha pakan Amoniasi pada KTT Wiresinge di desa Batu Kuta Lombok Barat dapat diketahui melalui analisis biaya produksi. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan dari usaha pakan Amoniasi tersebut telah dilakukan analisis pendapatan dan analisis Return Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio) untuk mengetahui untung ruginya usaha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam mengelola usaha pakan Amoniasi pada KTT Wiresinge di desa Batu Kuta Lombok Barat sebesar Rp. 1.383.000,- per satu kali masa produksi (dua minggu). Sedangkan pendapatan dalam satu kali masa produksi (dua minggu) yang di peroleh KTT Wiresinge dari usaha pakan Amoniasi adalah rata-rata Rp. 317.000,-. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara ekonomis pakan Amoniasi ini menguntungkan sebagai usaha dan menguntungkan jika dikembangkan di desa Batu Kuta Lombok Barat, karna nilai R/C Ratio yang diperoleh sebesar 1.23, jika R/C > 1 artinya usaha ini menguntungkan.Kata Kunci: Analisis ekonomi, Jerami padi, Pakan Amoniasi ABSTRACT            This study aims to determine the running cost of the ammoniation feed business in Wirasinge’s rancher’s group (KTT Wiresinge) at Batu Kuta Lombok Barat, and to determine the income, also R/C ratio of the business. This study used descriptive quantitative analysis method by survey technique. The total samples are forty (40) respondents were taken in simple random sampling. The selection of the research location was conducted by purposive. The running cost of the ammoniation feed business of KTT Wiresinge at Batu Kuta Lombok Barat is carried out by analysis of production costs. To find out the business income of the ammoniation feed business was analyzed using an income analysis, and to find out the gross income of the ammoniation feed business was analyzed using Return Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio)’s formula. The results showed that the running cost of the ammoniation feed business is IDR. 1.383.000,- per production time ( two weeks). While the average net income of the ammoniation feed business per production time ( two weeks) is IDR 317.000,-. It can be concluded that economically the ammoniation feed at Batu Kuta Lombok Barat is feasible to be cultivated and developed because the R/C Ratio value was obtained 1.23, if the value of R/C > 1, that is means the business is profitable.Keywords: Economic analysis, Rice straw, Ammoniation feed
JAS (Jurnal Agri Sains) Vol 5, No 2: Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jas.v5i2.666


Penelitian survey bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan penjual daging ayam broiler di Pasar Sila Kabupaten Bima, dilaksanakan selama dua bulan dari bulan Agustus sampai September 2020. Responden sebanyak 10 orang penjual atau semua pedagang daging ayam broiler di Pasar Sila. Analisa data dalam penelitian ini yaitu semua data hasil penelitian dianalisa deskriptif. Variabel yang diamati meliputi variabel independen yaitu biaya tetap, biaya tidak tetap, penjualan, pendapatan dan Break Even Point/BEP dan variabel dependen yaitu usia, pendidikan, tanggungan keluarga, dan pengalaman berdagang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendapatan penjual daging ayam broiler sesudah pandemi di Pasar Sila Kabupaten Bima masih dalam kondisi baik, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa usaha penjual daging ayam broiler berada pada posisi yang menguntungkan dan tidak memberikan dampak signifikan. Pendapatan bersih daging ayam broiler sebelum pandemi yaitu sebanyak Rp.7.300.000/bulan dan pendapatan bersih usaha daging ayam broiler sesudah pandemi yaitu sebanyak Rp. 8.915.000/bulan.BEP harga daging ayam broiler sebelum pandemi yaitu sebanyak Rp. 1.076.510/hari, sedangkan BEP harga daging ayam broiler sesudah pandemi yaitu sebanyak Rp. 1.387.793/hari. Diharapkan kepada pemerintah dan dinas terkait dapat melakukan sosialisasi dan pembaharuan informasi secara rutin yang berkaitan dengan penjualan ayam broiler pada saat pandemi Covid-19 serta diharapkan kepada penjual maupun pembeli di Pasar Sila untuk selalu mematuhi penerapan prokes dalam usaha meminimalisir penularan dan terbentuknya kluster baru Covid-19.ABSTRACTThe survey research aims to determine the income of broiler chicken sellers at Sila Market, Bima Regency, carried out for two months from August to September 2020. The respondents were 10 sellers or all broiler meat traders in Sila Market. Analysis of the data in this study, namely all research data were analyzed descriptively. The observed variables include independent variables, namely fixed costs, variable costs, sales, income and Break Even Poin/BEP and the dependent variables are age, education, family dependents, and trading experience. The results showed that the income of broiler meat sellers after the pandemic at Sila Market, Bima Regency was still in good condition, so it can be said that the broiler meat seller's business was in a profitable position and did not have a significant impact. The net income of broiler chicken before the pandemic was Rp. 7,300,000/month and the net income of broiler meat business after the pandemic is Rp. 8,915,000/month. BEP the price of broiler chicken before the pandemic was Rp. 1,076,510/day, while the BEP price of broiler chicken after the pandemic is Rp. 1,387,793/day. It is hoped that the government and related agencie
The Utilization of Fermented Rice Straw Ammoniation Feed (Amofer ) to Increase Body weight Gain of Bali bull in Batu Kuta Lombok Barat Abyadul Fitriyah; Ria Harmayani; Aisah Jamili; Yuni Mariani; Ni Made Andry Kartika; Nefi Andriana Fajri; Isyaturriyadhah Isyaturriyadhah
Baselang Vol 2, No 1: APRIL 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/bsl.v2i1.37


The utilization of rice straw waste as fermented ammonia (Amofer) for cattle farming was done in Desa Batu Kuta Kecamatan Narmada Kabupaten Lombok Barat from April-September 2021 with aims to introduce Amofer feed technology to increase body weight of bulls. The research procedures that have been carried out includes: 1). Amofer feed manufacture by adding ammonia in rice straw (Ammonia Straw), and 2). Amofer feeding management. This study was used 15 Bali bulls with 225 kg – 250 kg of body weights. There are three (3) treatments of Amofer feeding management, namely: R0 = Farmer's treatment (straw+concentrate); R1 = Forage 30% (15% elephant grass + 15% gamal grass) + 69 % Amofer feed + 1 % Concentrate (corn + bran); R2 = Forage 70% (35% elephant grass + 35% gamal grass) + 29 % Amofer feed + 1 % Concentrate (corn + bran). Parameters measured were feed consumption (FC) and daily body weight gain (DBWG). The results showed that the highest of FC was found on Bali bull with R-2 treatment (14.42 kg/each/day), and the highest of DBWG was shown by Bali bull whith R-2 treatment (0.66 kg/each/day). It is concluded, the Amofer feed formula in R2 treatment was more efficiently applied to ruminants with the aim of fattening cattle.