Jurnal Abdimas Akademika
Vol 1 No 01 (2020): Edisi Juni 2020

Etika Profesi (Bidang Tata Busana)

Sri Purwani (Jurnal pengabdian masyarakat)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Jun 2020


ABSTRAK Etika sebagai ilmu normatif, didalamnya berisi aturan dan nilai kehidupan, budi pekerti ataupun oral. Tujuan dari materi etika profesi dalam pelatihan ini agar warga belajar memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan, keluaskan wawasan tentang etika profesi yang sangat penting untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan sesuai dengan profesinya sebagai sumber daya manusia pembangunan. Memberikan bekal pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan bersikap sesuai etika profesi yang pada akhirnya dapat memperbaiki etos kerja sesuai dengan bidang keahlianya. Dapat mengidentifikasi tentang norma-norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat umun maupun masyarakat dalam profesi. Untuk menyampaikan materi menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi. Kepada warga yang belajar dibagikan materi / hand out berupa power point dan dijelaskan secara perperinci, diberikan conto-contoh yang sesuai. Untuk melengkapi metode ceramah digunakan juga tanya jawab secara lisan, memberi kesempatan warga belajar menyampaikan pendapat-pendapatnya tentang etika profesi. Hasil yang dicapai warga belajar dapat mengidentfikasi, mengklasifikasi dan mengaplikasikan etika profesi bermasyarakat sesuai profesinya. Keywords: etika, profesi. ABSTRACT Ethics as a normative science, contains rules and values ​​of life, character or oral. The purpose of the professional ethics material in this training is that citizens learn to have knowledge and skills, expand the insight about professional ethics which is very important to apply in life in accordance with their profession as human resource development. Providing knowledge, skills and attitude according to professional ethics, which it can improve the work ethic in accordance with their field of expertise. Can identify the norms that apply in general society and society in the profession. To deliver material using the lecture method, discussion. The who learned thewere given material / hand out in the form of power points and explained in detail, given the appropriate examples. To complete the lecture method, verbal questions and answers were also used, giving citizens the opportunity to learn to express their opinions on professional ethics. The results achieved by learning citizens can identify, classify and apply community professional ethics according to their profession. Keywords: ethics, profession.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Education Social Sciences


Abdimas Akademika Journal is a journal that contains writings that come from research on community organizations, industry, and related agencies in order to increase community participation in development, community empowerment, and / or implementation of community service, especially in the fields ...