Jurnal Review Pendidikan Dasar : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Hasil Penelitian
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Vol. 4 No. 1 Januari 2018


Bayu Endah Lestari (Universitas Negeri Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
11 Jan 2018


ABSTRACTThe general purpose of this research is to develop a reading supplement book to support the implementation of trifocus method. As for, the specific purpose of this research is to describe the development processes and the qualities of reading supplement book. The qualities of reading supplement book that was developed reviewed based on the product and its use in the classroom. This research included the development research types with combination of qualitative quantitative approach with sequential exploratory model and the model design is an adaption from 4D model. The procedures of development include definition, design, and development stage. The research data are document from development process and data about the quality of supplement book from validator and the the prospective user. Furthermore, collecting data had done through observation technique, questionaries, and test. Analyzing data had done through the combination of qualitative quantitative description technique sequentially. The result of this research showed that the development processes include defining stage is a map of learning needs; draft design stage is draft supplement book; and development stage is final model of reading supplement book. The quality of reading supplement book that was developed assessed from the eligibility of components material, presentation, language, and peripheral exercise. Each component gets percentage 98%, 91%, 100%, dan 98%. All of that categories get good quality (very suitable). The result of observation towards teachers activity, teachers response, students activity, and students response consecutive in limited trial are 88%, 100%, 80%, and 93%. At compherensive trial class IV A are 85%, 92%, 78%, dan 94%, while in class IV B are 89%, 96%, 81%, dan 94%. The average of ESR result from limited trial up to compherensive trial consecutive are 102.8 wpm, 129.3 wpm, and 142.7 wpm. There is only compherensive trial class IV B who can reach the ESR ideal, is 140 wpm. Although the average of ESR other class cant reach the ESR ideal, however many students who can reach ESR ideal. Based on the research results showed that reading supplement book which developed to support the implementation of trifocus method very suitable to be used. Keywords: reading supplement book, trifocus method, effective speed reading, elementary school. ABSTRAK                                                                                          Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan buku suplemen membaca untuk mendukung pelaksanaan metode trifokus. Adapun tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan dan kualitas buku suplemen membaca. Kualitas buku suplemen membaca yang dikembangkan ditinjau berdasarkan produk dan penggunaannya di kelas. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan pendekatan kombinasi kualitatif kuantitatif model sequential exploratory dan desain model merupakan adaptasi dari model 4D. Prosedur pengembangan meliputi tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, dan pengembangan. Data penelitian berupa dokumen proses pengembangan, dan data kualitas buku suplemen dari validator serta calon pengguna. Selanjutnya, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik observasi, angket, dan tes. Penganalisisan data dilakukan dengan teknik kombinasi deskripsi kualitatif kuantitatif secara berurutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pengembangan meliputi tahap pendefinisian dengan hasil berupa peta kebutuhan pembelajaran; tahap perancangan dengan hasil draf buku; dan tahap pengembangan dengan hasil berupa model final buku suplemen membaca. Kualitas buku suplemen membaca yang dikembangkan dinilai dari komponen kelayakan materi, penyajian, bahasa, dan pelatihan periferal. Masing-masing komponen mendapatkan persentase 98%, 91%, 100%, dan 98%. Semua kategori termasuk kategori berkualitas (sangat layak). Pemerolehan hasil observasi terhadap aktivitas guru, respon guru, aktivitas siswa, dan respons siswa berturut-turut pada uji coba terbatas yaitu 88%, 100%, 80%, dan 93%. Pada uji coba luas kelas IV A yaitu 85%, 92%, 78%, dan 94%, sedangkan pada kelas IV B yaitu 89%, 96%, 81%, dan 94%. Rata-rata hasil KEM siswa dari tahap uji coba terbatas, uji coba luas kelas IV A, dan kelas IV B secara berturut-turut yaitu 102.8 kpm, 129.3 kpm, dan 142.7 kpm. Hanya kelas uji coba luas IV B saja yang mampu mencapai KEM ideal, yaitu 140 kpm. Meskipun KEM rerata kelas tidak mencapai KEM ideal, namun banyak siswa yang mampu mencapai KEM ideal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku suplemen membaca untuk mendukung pelaksanaan metode trifokus yang dikembangkan sangat layak untuk digunakan. Kata Kunci: buku suplemen membaca, metode trifokus, kecepatan efektif membaca, sekolah dasar.

Copyrights © 2018

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The Journal focus and scope: Research in the field of scientific concept of basic education includes mathematics, science, social studies, civics and Indonesian. ...