Vol 8, No 2 (2011): Vol. VIII, Nomor 2, Nopember 2011


Saleh, Muhammad ( STAIN Metro)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Nov 2011


The majority of Islamic community in this world had hold on the fatwa (advice on religious matters) of their Ulama Madzhab on their religious matters. But also they profess to others i.e., Dzahiri and Syi’ite sects. Beside that there was also some scholars of religion who took apart  from that Madzhab at all, they didn’t  follow any other advice on their religious matters teachers, but they hold on they selves opinion. Of course, it caused to uncertainty mind or confused  to Islamic Community, who had along time ago hold on to the fatwa of their Scholar opinion. So, it is better to the writer to study how was the madzhab stand on religious affair.Key Words : advice on religious matters, profess to, scholars of religion, took apart  from, stand on

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