PALITA: Journal of Social - Religion Research
Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Palita: Journal of Social Religion Research

Dinamisasi Hukum Islam, Analisis Fatwa MUI Masa Pandemi Covid 19

Abdul Mutaakabbir (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo)
Rukman Abdul Rahman Said (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Feb 2022


Abstract[English]:A phenomenon in society regarding the mechanism of worship during the Covid-19 outbreak motivates this article. The pros and cons in the practice of prayer deserve attention because it leads to physical friction. The method used in this research is content analysis, namely analyzing the decisions issued by the MUI relating to worship during the Covid-19 period. As for the result, the fatwa issued by the MUI through a mechanism that complies with the rules of istinbat of law comprehensively, starting from legal sources and methods of deciding by deliberation and considering the situation and conditions based on maqashid al-syari'ah. This study comprehensively examines the MUI's decision on the mechanism for carrying out worship during the pandemic and the 'illat of law behind it. This research also serves as an informative and educative means of legal flexibility in Islam and its application. The next researcher can examine the quality of the hadith that is used as an argument by the MUI fatwa board and the method for quoting the opinions of the ulama.Abstrak[Indonesia]:Artikel ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena dalam masyarakat tentang mekanisme beribadah ketika terjadi Covid-19. Pro kontra dalam praktik ibadah patut menjadi sorotan karena mengarah pada gesekan fisik. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis konten, yakni melakukan analisis terhadap putusan yang dikeluarkan MUI yang berkaitan dengan ibadah pada masa Covid-19. Adapun hasilnya adalah fatwa yang dikeluarkan MUI melalui mekanisme yang sesuai kaidah istinbat hukum secara komprehensif, mulai dari sumber hukum dan metode pengambilan keputusan secara musyawarah serta mempertimbangkan situasi dan kondisi berlandaskan ­maqashid al-syari’ah. Penelitian ini mengkaji secara komprehensif putusan MUI tentang mekanisme pelaksanaan ibadah pada masa pandemi serta ‘illat hukum yang melatarbelakanginya. Penelitian ini juga berfungsi sebagai sarana informatif dan edukatif tentang fleksibilitas hukum dalam Islam dan penerapannya. Peneliti selanjutnya bisa meneliti tentang kualitas hadis yang dijadikan dalil oleh dewan fatwa MUI serta metodologi pengutipan pendapat para ulama.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Religion Social Sciences


Palita: Journal of Social-Religion Research, p-ISSN:2527-3744, e-ISSN:2527-3752 has been published twice a year since 2016, is a multilingual (English, Indonesian and Arabic ), peer review, and on exploring the social religion. Palita focuses on the research of social religion, and to communicate to ...