Indonesian Journal of Energy
Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Energy

Energy Storage Applications to Address the Challenges of Solar PV and Wind Penetration in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study

Mukhamad Faeshol Umam (PPSDM Migas)
Sesi Selia (Enerka Bhumi Pratama)
Amrullah Farad Sunaryo (Enerka Bhumi Pratama)
Muhammad Rizqi Al Asy’ari (Enerka Bhumi Pratama)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Feb 2022


Indonesia intends to increase the renewable energy ratio to at least 23% from the energy mix generated by 2025. This target is also in line with the Paris Agreement that Indonesia ratified in October 2016. However, renewable energy capacity has not been significant, as 11.38% of the total on-grid power capacity (MEMR, 2021). More than 90% of renewable comes from hydropower and geothermal, and only a limited capacity comes from wind and solar energy. On the other hand, wind and solar energy potential are enormous for energy generation in Indonesia. One of the barriers that hinder the use of both is their intermittent nature so that they are not economically profitable and can disrupt the existing power grid. Energy storage systems (ESS) can reduce this intermittent problem as frequency regulators and voltage support to the grid. This paper reviews the potential and challenges of energy storage and renewable power generation, especially wind and solar power. This paper also outlines lessons learned from energy storage systems that have been implemented and are still under development. The discussion focuses on the types of energy storage suitable for applications in Indonesia.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info







The journal covers research with a strong focus on energy economics, energy analysis, energy modeling, and prediction, integrated energy systems, energy planning, and energy management. The journal also welcomes papers on related topics such as energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy ...