Sense : Journal of Film and Television Studies
Vol 4, No 2 (2021)

Peran Perubahan Karakter Tokoh Utama Dalam Membangun Suspense Pada Film “Posesif”

Lina Itafiana (Unknown)
Endang Mulyaningsih (Unknown)
Dyah Arum Retnowati (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Nov 2021


ABSTRAKFilm Posesif dikategorikan sebagai film romantic suspense pertama di perfilman Indonesia. Posesif menjadi salah satu dari banyak sisi kehidupan remaja yang dieksplorasi dan dikemas dalam bentuk film layar lebar. Posesif menawarkan keunikan cerita dari drama cinta remaja kebanyakan yang terlalu picisan dan sangat kental dengan stereotipe happy ending. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan mendeskripsikan cerita dalam bentuk treatment dan mengarakteristikan tokoh Lala. Adegan yang telah direduksi dipaparkan dalam bentuk potongan gambar dari film Posesif terkait peran karakter tokoh Lala. Selanjutnya menemukan hambatan, resiko serta foreshadowing sebagai pembangun suspense pada setiap adegan. Kemudian menganalisis keterkaitan dua variabel tersebut dengan teori yang menjadi landasan penelitian. Hasil kajian ditemukan ditemukan adanya peran karakter dalam narasi pada tokoh Lala diantaranya: Donor, Penolong, Pengirim, Putri, dan Pahlawan Palsu. Setiap perubahan yang terjadi membangun adanya suspense yang menimbulkan gerak dramatik pada cerita, sehingga menciptakan suatu keadaan dimana perhatian penonton menjadi lebih tinggi.  Kata Kunci: Film Posesif, Karakter, Suspense, Vladimir Propp ABSTRACT“Posesif” film is categorized as the first romantic suspense movie in the Indonesian film industry. Possessive become one of many teenage life facets that are explored and packed in a big-screen movie form. “Posesif” offers a unique story from teenage love dramas that usually are too cheap and thick with the stereotype of a happy ending. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach by describing the story in a treatment form and characterized Lala’s character. The scene that has been reduced is presented in the form of pictures cut from the “Posesif” film related to the characteristic role of Lala’s character. Next find obstacles, risks, and foreshadowing as suspense builder in every scene. Then analyze the correlation between these two variables with the basic theory of the research. The results of the study found a character role in the narrative of Lala’s character, including Donor, Helper, Dispatcher, Princess, and False Hero. Every change that occurs develops suspense that raises dramatic motions to the story, which creates a situation where the audience’s attention becomes higher. Keywords: Film Posesif, Character, Suspense, Vladimir Propp

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences Other


Sense: Journal of Film and Television Studies is published twice a year (Juni and December) issued by the Faculty of Art and Record Media, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Sense provides open access to the public to read abstracts and complete papers. Sense focuses on Television and Film studies. ...