Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED (Pharmacist, Analyst, Nurse, Nutrition, Midwivery, Environment, Dentist)
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED Periode Januari - April 2021

Suatu Analisis Faktor-Faktor Transmisi Lokal Covid-19 Di Praktek Dokter Gigi

Astri Yosika Olivia MP (Universitas Prima Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 May 2021


ABSTRACT The city of Wuhan is the city where the COVID-19 virus has been detected for the first time . This virus originates from the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae and has four genera, namely: (?-COV) ?-coronavirus, (?-cov) ?-coronavirus , (?-COV) ?-coronavirus, and (?-COV) ?coronavirus (Li et al., 2020). Transmission in a dentist's practice is very likely due to inhalation of Aerosols or droplets containing viruses. To prevent transmission in the dentist's practice, actions such as a dental doctor using PPE level 3, hand sanitizers are placed in each room to wait, Patients who come are required to wear a mask and check body temperature. The aim of the literature study on COVID-19 ini to find out about the outbreak and prevention of COVID-19 at the Dentist's Office . The conclusion of the literature study is that the cause of COVID-19 is SARS-COV2 which shows that the RNA virus has a sample (sheath) and is also a species of the genus ?-COV2. This virus has a diameter varies between 60-140 nm. The entry of the virus into the host body pitch hanging to the ability of ACE2 binds to the virus , wherein the receptor from the membrane extracellular expressed in epithelial cells. ABSTRAK Kota Wuhan merupakan kota yang pertama sekali terdeteksi adanya virus COVID-19. Virus ini berasal dari subfamily Orthocoronavirinae dan memiliki empat genus yaitu: (?-COV) ?-coronavirus, (?-cov )?-coronavirus ,(?-COV) ?-coronavirus ,dan (?-COV) ?coronavirus (Li et al., 2020). Penularan di Praktek Dokter Gigi sangat mungkin terjadi akibat terhirupnya Aerosol atau Droplet yang mengandung virus. Untuk mencegah terjadinya penularan di praktek dokter gigi dilakukan tindakan seperti dokter gigi menggunakan APD level 3, hand sanitizer diletakkan disetiap ruangan untuk tunggu, Pasien yang datang diwajibkan menggunakan maskernya serta mengecek suhu tubuh. Tujuan dari studi literatur mengenai COVID-19 ini untuk mengetahui penjangkitan serta pencegahan COVID-19 di Praktek Dokter Gigi. Kesimpulan studi literatur yaitu penyebab COVID-19 adalah SARS-COV2 yang menunjukkan virus RNA memiliki sample (selubung) dan juga merupakan spesies dari genus ?-COV. virus ini memiliki diameter bervariasi antara 60-140 nm. Masuknya virus ke dalam tubuh inang tergantung kepada kemampuan ACE2 berikatan dengan virus, dimana reseptor dari membran ekstra selular diekspresikan di sel epitel.

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Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health


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