Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan
Vol 18, No 2 (2021): JMK EDISI DESEMBER 2021


Tri Siswantini (UPN Veteran Jakarta)
Indri Arrafi Juliannisa (UPN Veteran Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Mar 2022


Pandemi Covid-19 ini tidak hanya memberikan dampak pada bidang kesehatan yang menimbulkan korban jiwa, tetapi juga menimbulkan dampak terhadap sektor perekonomian dan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakatpun. Masyarakat kalangan menengah hingga menengah ke bawah sangat merasakan kesulitan akibat adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini, mereka tidak dapat bekerja sebagaimana semestinya, bahkan ada perusahaan yang terpaksa melakukan Pemutusan Hubugan Kerja (PHK) secara masal karena tidak sanggup lagi membayar gaji karyawan jika harus tetap mempertahankan karyawan dengan keadaan atau aturan bekerja yang sekarang sedang diterapkan. Di Indonesia, pemerintah saat ini telah berupaya untuk terus mendorong perekonomian agar terus bergerak meskipun mengalami penurunan. Banyak bisnis UMKM mulai mengalami penurunan penjualan yang drastis atau bahkan tidak memiliki pelanggan sama sekali karena pelanggan sudah mulai beraktivitas di rumah mereka masing- masing. Tetapi, keberlanjutan bisnis UMKM harus tetap dilakukan agar bisnis dapat dipertahankan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah pada model pertama, terdapat 2 variabel yang terbukti signifikan yaitu variabel perbankan dan variabel koperasi berpengaruh terhadap pembayaran, pada model kedua, semua variabel terbukti signifikan, yaitu variabel SDM, variabel pesaing dan variabel inovasi berpengaruh terhadap pemasaran. Selanjutnya pada model ketiga, semua variabel pun terbukti signifikan, yaitu variabel teknologi, variabel internet dan variabel kemasan & desain berpengaruh terhadap digitalisasi. Kata kunci: digitalisasi, pembayaran, pemasaran, strategi, UMKM  ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic does not only have an impact on the health sector that causes casualties, but also has an impact on the economic sector and the level of community welfare. The middle to lower midle class people really feels the difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they cannot work properly, there are even companies that are forced to mass layoffs because they are no longer able to pay employee salaries if they have to keep employees. with the conditions or work rules that are currently being applied. In Indonesia, the current government has made efforts to continue to encourage the economy to continue to move even though it is experiencing a decline. Many MSME businesses have started to experience drastic sales declines or even have no customers at all because customers have started their activities in their respective homes. However, the sustainability of the MSME business must be carried out so that the business can be maintained. The results obtained are in the first model, there are 2 variables that are proven to be significant, namely banking variables and cooperative variables that affect payments, in the second model, all variables are proven to be significant, namely HR variables, competitor variables and innovation variables that affect marketing. Furthermore, in the third model, all variables were shown to be significant, namely technology variables, internet variables and packaging & design variables that affect digitization. Keywords: digitization, marketing, MSMEs, payments, strategy

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan (JMK) is a journal published twice a year (June and December) by LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta that focused on management studies. The aim of the journals is to disseminate the research in management studies that include marketing, finance, production, ...