JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)
Vol 5, No 2 (2022): April


Ratna Dewi Anjani (Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang)
Deri Teguh Santoso (Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang)
Rianita Puspa Sari (Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Apr 2022


Abstrak: UMKM merupakan salah satu pendukung ekonomi nasional yang perlu diberdayakan dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Pemberdayaan dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan kualitas produk yang mengacu pada standarisasi kerja, karena kualitas merupakan jaminan bagi konsumen dalam menggunakan produk. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra sasaran UMKM bengkel las rasyid yaitu saat proses pengelasan produk yang masih terdapat patahan pada produk. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai metode dan cara mengetahui kualitas produk pengelasan melalui uji kekuatan las Non Destructive Test (NDT) sesuai prosedur. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk agar mampu bersaing dengan produk lainnya. Metode pelaksanaan pada pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi, edukasi, dan pelatihan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengabdian ini, pekerja mengetahui cara pengujian kekuatan las dan teknis keterampilan pengujian serta modul prosedur pemeriksaan kekuatan las. UMKM bengkel las perlu menyadari dan memperhatikan tiga hal dalam proses pengelasan yaitu kebersihan material, posisi material dan posisi pekerja, serta kerapatan agar produk yang dihasilkan memiliki kulitas baik.Abstract: MSMEs are one of the supporters of the national economy that need to be empowered in the face of the times. Empowerment can be done through improving product quality which refers to work standardization, because quality is a guarantee for consumers in using the product. The problem faced by the target partner of MSMEs in Rasyid's workshop is when the product welding process still has fractures in the product. The service activity aims to provide knowledge about methods and ways to determine the quality of welding products through the Non Destructive Test (NDT) welding strength test according to the procedure. This is done to improve product quality in order to be able to compete with other products. The implementation method for this service is socialization, education, and training. The results obtained from this service, workers know how to test weld strength and technical testing skills as well as the welding strength inspection procedure module. Welding workshop SMEs need to realize and pay attention to three things in the welding process, namely the cleanliness of the material, the position of the material and the position of the workers, and the density so that the resulting product has good quality.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info







Journal of Character Education Society (JCES) | ISSN 2614-3666, is one of the devotion journals managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and published every January and July. The publication of JCES aims to disseminate conceptual thinking and ...