JIMAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Akuntansi) Undiksha
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015)

Penerapan Akuntansi Pertanggungjawaban Sebagai Alat Untuk Menilai Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Kinerja Manajemen ( Studi Kasus Pada PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng )

Kadek Ratna Mustika Sari . (Unknown)
Desak Nyoman Sri Werastuti, S.E., Ak. . (Unknown)
Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja,SE,Ak.,M. . (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 Mar 2015


Akuntansi pertanggungjawaban adalah bahwa setiap pusat pertanggungjawaban ini harus bertanggungjawab atas segala hal yang berada dibawah pengendaliannya. Fungsi Akuntansi Pertanggungjawaban yaitu sebagai alat penilaian kinerja dan memberikan atau menghasilkan arus balik sehingga operasi diwaktu yang dapat ditingkatkan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan akuntansi pertanggungjawaban dalam mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi kinerja manajemen perusahaan PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng sudah berjalan efisien dan efektif.Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, kuesioner.Data diolah dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Hasil uji validitas instrument penelitian mempunyai taraf signifikansi lebih kecil dari 5 % yaitu 0,000, sehingga semuanya dinyatakan valid.Hasil uji reliabilitas ternyata semua data reliabel. Hasil kuesioner diketahui dari 20 item pernyataan dengan rata-rata skor 4,0, skor tertinggi 4,5dan skor terendah mencapai 3,6. Analisa akuntansi pertanggungjawaban, dari 14 item pernyataan semuanya mendapatkan respon yang baik.Analisa efisiensi penerapan akuntansi pertanggungjawaban dengan 3 item dengan respon yang baik.Analisa efektifitas dengan 3 item juga mendapatkan respon yang baik.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan penerapan akuntansi pertanggungjawaban dalam mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi kinerja manajemen perusahaan pada Perusahaan PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng sudah berjalan secara efektif, dan efisien. Disarankan kepada pihak manajemen Perusahaan PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng untuk memotivasi karyawan, bekerja sesuai tupoksi masing-masing, serta pengawasan lebih ditingkatkan.Kata Kunci : Akuntansi pertanggungjawaban, efisien, efektif. By accounting of responsibility is meant that each central of responsibility has to be responsible for all things under its control. The function of accounting of responsibility is as an instrument of assessment and it gives or produces feedback so that everything can be improved. This study was aimed at finding out the application of accounting of responsibility in controlling and assessing management performance in PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The data were collected using observation and questionnaire. The data were processed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis, validity and reliability testing. The result of instrument validity testing showed that the instrument has a significance level of less than 5% (i.e., 0,000), so that all of the instruments are valid. The result of reliability testing showed that all data are reliable. From the result of questionnaire it was found that 20 items of statements have the average score of 4.0, the highest score being 4.5 and the lowest score being 3.6. The analysis of accounting of responsibility showed that out of 14 statement items, all get good responses. The analysis of efficiency of accounting of responsibility showed that 3 items have good responses. The analysis of effectiveness showed that 3 items also have good responses. Based on the results of analysis it can be concluded that the application of accounting of responsibility in controlling and assessing the management performance of the PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng has been effective and efficient. It is suggested to the management of PDAM Kabupaten Buleleng to motivate the workers to work in accordance with their respective main tasks and functions and to improve control. keyword : Accounting of Responsibility, efficient, effective

Copyrights © 2015

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Humanities Social Sciences


IMAT ( Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Akuntansi ) Undiksha provides a medium for disseminating novel articles related to economy and business among international academics, practitioners, regulators, and public. JIMAT accepts articles any research methodology that meet the standards established for ...