Vol 4, No 1 (2013): KONSELING RELIGI


Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2013


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas pentingnya kecerdasan spiritual dalam menangani perilaku menyimpang. Dekadensi moral bangsa yang terjadi sebagai bukti tidak adanya kseimbangan antara kecerdasan intelektual,  kecerdasan emosional,  dan kecerdasan spiritual. Salah satu upaya menghindari fenomena tersebut adalah mengintegrasikan antara ketiganya. Membimbing dan membantu menyelesaikan masalah dibutuhkan kecerdasan spiritual.  Di mana seorang konselor harus memiliki motivasi spiritual dengan tetap konsisten beribadah kepada Allah  dan takwa. Membimbing memerlukan kecerdasan spiritual agar dapat menjadi pendidik sekaligus orang tua bagi klien, sehingga konselor mampu membimbing, membina, mendidik sesuai kaidah-kaidah spiritual religius. Seorang konselor merupakan mitra dan uswah (teladan) bagi anak didik dalam membangun sebuah karakter sehari-hari (caracter building). Kata Kunci:  Kecerdasan Spiritual,   Perilaku  Menyimpang, KonselorTHE  IMPORTANCE OF  SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE IN DEALING WITH ABERRANT BEHAVIOR. This article aims to discuss the importance of spiritual intelligence in dealing with aberrant behavior. The decadence of the morality of the nation that occur as evidence lack kseimbangan between intellectual, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. One of the efforts to avoid the phenomenon is to integrate between the three. Guides and help resolve the problem needed spiritual intelligence. Where a counselor must have a spiritual motivation to remain consistent to serve God and piety. Guide requires spiritual intelligence in order to become educators as well as parents for the client so that the counselor is able to guide, build, educate according to the rules of the religious spiritual  rule. A counselor  is a partner and uswah (EXAMPLE) for students in building a daily character (caracter building).Keywords: Spiritual Intelligence, Deviant behavior, Counselor

Copyrights © 2013

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Religion Arts Humanities


KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam(ISSN 1907-7238; E-ISSN 2477-2100) accredited B Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 36a / E / KPT / 2016 dated 23 May 2016, is an academic journal that emphasizes on actual issues related to Islamic guidance and counseling. ...