Ziswaf : Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf
Vol 2, No 2 (2015): ZISWAF : Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf


Ahmad Atabik (STAIN Kudus)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Aug 2016


This article describes the role of zakat in poverty alleviation. Zakatthan as an obligation for Muslims, through zakat, the Quran makesa responsibility for Muslims to mutual help among others. Therefore, in ourobligations zakat is the element of moral, educational, social and economic(Rozalindah, 2014: 248): In the field of morality, charity scrape out the greedand avarice of the rich, purify the souls of those who perform the prayer of thenature miser, purify and develop property object. Education in the obligationof zakat can be gleaned from curiosity to give, berinfak and give up some ofits property as evidence of compassion for fellow human beings. In the socialfield, the charity, the poor group can play a role in his life, acted upon itsobligations to God, for helping zakat and sadaqah given by people who are able.With the zakat Similarly, people who are not able to feel that they are part ofthe community members, not the wasted and underestimated. In the economicfield, zakat can play a role in preventing the accumulation of wealth in a fewhands only, and obliges the rich to redistribute wealth to the group of thefamily fortune and destitute. So, zakat also serve as a potential source of fundsfor poverty reduction. Zakat can also serve as working capital for the poor tobe able to open up employment opportunities, so they can earn and be able tomeet their daily needs harinya.ipetik of curiosity giving, berinfak and give upsome of its property as evidence of compassion for fellow human beings. In thesocial field, the charity, the poor group can play a role in his life, acted upon itsobligations to God, for helping zakat and sadaqah given by people who are able.

Copyrights © 2015

Journal Info





Religion Economics, Econometrics & Finance Social Sciences Other


FOCUS : ZISWAF : Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf, menjadi jurnal ilmiah bidang zakat dan wakaf yang berkualitas di Indonesia. SCOPE : Menyebarkan informasi ilmiah yang mutakhir dalam bidang zakat dan wakaf untuk kepentingan pendidikan, penelitian, dan ...