Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Service)


Titiek Berniyanti (Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga)
Retno Palupi (Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga)
Adriani Sari Fadilah (Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga)
Nabilah Khansa Salsabila (Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Nov 2021


AbstrakDiketahui bahwa perilaku ibu dan anak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian karies. Kesehatan mulut dan gigi merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting bagi setiap individu di berbagai skala usia, termasuk anak-anak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku ibu tentang kesehatan gigi rongga mulut ditinjau dari predisposisi, pendorong, dan penguat sebagai faktor risiko keparahan karies gigi pada anak usia 4-6 tahun di Surabaya. Metode: Pelatihan dan Pemberdayaan kader / ibu tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan penyakit gigi (Cegatan Pagi / Cegah dan Tangani Penyakit Gigi), dan edukasi melalui Game Edukasi Ular Tangga tentang Kesehatan Mulut dan Gigi Anak (Beruang Imut / Bermain). Ular Tangga Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut). Kesulitan ibu dalam mendidik anaknya tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut dapat diatasi melalui permainan edukatif. Permainan ular tangga ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan minat anak dalam menjaga kesehatan mulut. Kesulitan ibu dalam mendidik anaknya tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut dapat diatasi melalui permainan edukasi. Hasil Utama: Nilai korelasi antara 2 variabel tersebut adalah -7,242 yang berarti hubungan tersebut kuat dan positif dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000. Nilai rata-rata sebesar -3,750 bertanda negatif, artinya nilai tersebut cenderung meningkat setelah diberikan perlakuan. Artinya negatif artinya ada kecenderungan skor meningkat setelah perawatan. Kesimpulan: Ada peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada responden kader ibu wali dan guru Taman Kanak-kanak.Kata kunci: deft, Keparahan karies Gigi, Pencegahan Penyakit Mulut, Perilaku Ibu AbstractIt is known that the behavior of mothers and children has a significant relationship to the incidence of caries. Oral and dental health is something that is very important for every individual at various age scales, including children. This article aims to determine Mothers behavior regarding oral dental health in terms of predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing as A Risk Factor of Dental Caries Severity Of 4-6 Years Children in Surabaya. Methods: Training and Empowerment of cadres/mothers about the prevention and management of dental disease (Cegatan Pagi/Cegah dan Tangani Penyakit Gigi) and providing education through the Snake and Ladder Educational Game on Children's Oral and Dental Health or (Beruang Imut/Bermain Ular Tangga Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut). Difficulties for mothers in teaching their children about oral and dental health can be overcome through educational games. It is hoped that the snakes and ladders game will be able to increase children's understanding and interest in maintaining oral health Difficulties for mothers in teaching their children about oral and dental health can be overcome through educational games. Main Result: The correlation value between the 2 variables is -7,242, which means that the relationship is strong and positive with a significant level of 0.000. The mean value of -3,750 is negative, it means that the score tends to increase after being given treatment. The mean is negative, it means the tendency of the score to increase after treatment Conclusion: There was an increase in the level of knowledge about dental and oral health among the respondents of the cadres of mother guardians and teachers of kindergarten.Keywords: Dental Carries Severity, def-mother’s Behavior, Oral Health Prevention

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Humanities Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Environmental Science Social Sciences Other


Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Service) (p-ISSN: 2580-8680 , e-ISSN: 2722-239X) is a scientific journal that publishes articles of community service from the application of various scientific disciplines. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate the results of ...