Journal of Primary Education
Vol 1 No 2 (2012)


Article Info

Publish Date
28 Nov 2012


Telah dapat dilakukan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan model Problem Based Learning berbasis SAVI yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Pengembangan  dilakukan dengan mengacu pada model pengembangan perangkat dari Thiagarajan, dengan tahap-tahap: (1) define, (2) desain, (3) develop. Tahap desimminate tidak dilaksanakan. Perangkat pembelajaran matematika terdiri dari: Silabus, RPP, SBPD, LKPD, dan TKPD. Dalam uji coba dilakukan pengamatan proses pembelajaran dan keaktifan belajar peserta didik. Diakhir pembelajaran dilakukan tes kreativitas peserta didik, pengisian angket respon peserta didik, dan angket motivasi. Data diolah dengan analisis diskriptif, uji homogenitas, uji normalitas, uji ketuntasan, uji beda, dan uji pengaruh. Hasil penelitian: (1) hasil penilaian validator menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan nilai kategori baik; (2) hasil uji coba terbatas memenuhi kriteria praktis, dan (3) implementasi model PBL berbasis SAVI memenuhi kriteria efektif, yaitu: (a) aktivitas peserta didik memenuhi kriteria baik, (b) hasil TKPD mencapai ketuntasan KKM, (c) hasil TKPD kelas uji coba lebih baik daripada kelas kontrol, dan (4) adanya pengaruh aktivitas dan motivasi peserta didik terhadap kreativitas peserta didik. Berdasarkan pada hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika model PBL berbasis SAVI materi lingkaran peserta didik kelas VIII valid, praktis, dan efektif.This study aims to generate the model of learning mathematics with Problem Based Learning (PBL) based Savi VIII class are valid, practical, and effective.The development of learning mathematics is done by reference to the developmentmodel of Thiagarajan, with the steps of: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop. Desimminate stage is not implemented. The device consists of mathematical learning: syllabus, lesson plans, SBPD, LKPD, and TKPD. In a trial conducted observations of the active learning process and learners learn. In addition, the end of the study carried out tests of creativity of students, filling the questionnaire responses of students, and motivation questionnaire used to obtain the necessary data. The research data obtained through the validation sheet, observation sheets and creativity tests. Data processed by descriptive analysis, test of homogeneity, normality test, test thoroughness, different test, and test the influence.  Results of the study: (1) the assessment of learning with the validator shows the value of either category, (2) the results of limited testing of practical criteria, and (3) implementation of the PBL model of effective criteria-based Savi, namely: (a) the activities of students meet both criteria, (b) the results of KKM TKPD achieve completeness, (c) the results of a trial class TKPD better than the control class, and (4) the influence of activity and motivation of students to the creativity of students. Based on these results it can be concluded that the mathematical model of PBL-based learning materials SAVI class VIII student circles valid, practical, and effective. 

Copyrights © 2012

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Journal of Primary Education publishes research articles results and conceptual studies in field of elementary mathematics education, science, Indonesian languange and social studies for primary education level. Journal of Primary Education publishes research studies employing a variety of ...