JSAI (Journal Scientific and Applied Informatics)
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Januari 2022

Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Komputer Pada Perangkat Mobile Menggunakan fitur Voice, Abjad dan Kategori Berbasis Android

Farid Idham (STMIK Ichsan Gorontalo)
Ona Maliki (STMIK Ichsan Gorontalo)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Feb 2022


The dictionary, the term computer widely circulated today, is still in the form of books. Many make it difficult for users because they have to search for the meaning and terms of the computer manually. The method used in this research using the Research and Development method, where the researcher conducts fact gathering that refers to the KBBI dictionary. It was then built using the android studio application as a medium to create an information system term computer dictionary.  With this Android-based dictionary, anyone and anywhere anyone can access it easily. For that, there is a need for a dictionary of terms, computers to facilitate the public in understanding the meaning of words and terms of computers in the form of mobile applications, especially android-based.

Copyrights © 2022

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Computer Science & IT


Jurnal terbitan dibawah fakultas teknik universitas muhammadiyah bengkulu. Pada jurnal ini akan membahas tema tentag Mobile, Animasi, Computer Vision, dan Networking yang merupakan jurnal berbasis science pada informatika, beserta penelitian yang berkaitan dengan implementasi metode dan atau ...