Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science)
Vol 1, No 1: Maret 2013


Surahma Asti Mulasari (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Sep 2018


Latar belakang: Imunisasi merupakan suatu upaya untuk menimbulkan dan meningkatkan kekebalan seseorangsecara aktif terhadap suatu penyakit. Tujuan imunisasi adalah merangsang sistim imunologi tubuh untuk membentuk antibodi (kekebalan) spesifk sehingga dapat melindungi tubuh dari serangan Penyakit yang Dapat DicegahDengan Imunisasi (PD3I).Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui angka cakupan imunisasi di Pedukuhan Sembuh Wetan Sidokarto Godean tahun2012.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Variabel penelitian ini adalah cakupan imunisasi di Pedukuhan Sembuh Wetan Sidokarto Godean tahun 2012. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu dengan balita di PosyanduPedukuhan Sembuh Wetan Sidokarto Godean Sleman Yogyakarta sebanyak 48 orang. Sampel diambil denganteknik total sampling.Hasil: Ada satu anak usia 0-12 bulan (2,08%) yang belum mendapat imunisasi BCG dari 47 lainnya (97.92%).Cakupan imunisasi polio 1 dan 2 sudah mencapai target UCI yaitu 97,92% dan 93,76%. Untuk polio 3 dan 4, secarakeseluruhan cakupan imunisasi belum mencapai target yaitu 85,43% dan 87,51%. Cakupan imunisasi DPT belummencapai target (89.59%). Cakupan hepatitis B (HepB) masih dibawah 80%.Untuk cakupan imunisasi campaksudah mencapai 100%.Simpulan: Cakupan imunisasi untuk polio (3 dan 4), DPT, dan HepB belum mencapai 90% target status UniversalChild Immunization (UCI).Cakupan imunisasi untuk BCG dan campak sudah mencapai 90% target status UniversalChild Immunization (UCI).ABSTRACTBackground: Immunization is an effort to improve a person's immune to a disease. The purpose of immunizationis to stimulate the immunological system of the body to develop antibodies (immune) specifc, so that it can protectthe body from a disease Preventable Diseases by Immunization (PD3I).Objective: The aim of this study was to know the immunization coverage rate in Pedukuhan Sembuh WetanSidokarto Godean 2012.Method: This research method was descriptive quantitative. The variable of this study was immunization coverage in Pedukuhan Sembuh Wetan Sidokarto Godean. The population in on this study was mothers with toddlers inPedukuhan Sembuh Wetan Sidokarto Godean (amount 48 mother). Samples were taken by total sampling technique.Result: There was a child 0-12 months old (2.08%) who have not received BCG immunization from 47 toddler(97.92%). Polio immunization (polio 1 and 2) have reached target UCI was 97.92% and 93.76%. For polio 3 and 4,the overall immunization coverage has not reached the target of 85.43% and 87.51%. DPT immunization coveragehas not reached the target (89.59%). HepB coverage was below of 80%. For measles immunization coverage hasreached until 100%.Conclusion: Coverage of polio vaccination (3 and 4), DPT, and HepB has not reached 90% of Universal ChildImmunization (UCI) target status. Coverage of BCG vaccination and measles has reached 90% of Universal ChildImmunization (UCI) target status.  

Copyrights © 2018

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