Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science)
Vol 2, No 3: Desember 2014


Siti Rofi’ah (Unknown)
Siti Chunaeni (Unknown)
Maryam Maryam (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
04 Sep 2018


Latar belakang: Nyeri dalam persalinan adalah suatu hal yang fisiologis akibat kontraksi otot rahim. Akupresur merupakan salah satu tehnik untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri dalam persalinan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas terapi akupresur terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I fase aktif pada primipara di Puskesmas II Sumpiuh Kabupaten Banyumas tahun 2013.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini Pre Experimental dengan rancangan one group pretest - posttes design. Populasi da- lam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu primipara kala I fase aktif yang berjumlah 30 orang. Sampel yang digunakan merupakan total sampling.Hasil penelitian: sebelum dilakukan terapi akupresur responden lebih banyak dalam kategori nyeri berat, sesudah diberikan terapi sebagian besar dalam kategori nyeri sedang. Ada pengaruh terapi akupresur terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I fase aktif pada primipara di Puskesmas II Sumpiuh Kabupaten Banyumas tahun 2013 de- ngan nilai p value 0,0001.Saran: ibu bersalin agar mau menerima pemberian terapi akupresur saat proses persalinan. Bagi bidan sebaiknya mengikuti pelatihan akupresur supaya kompeten dan mengaplikasikan terapi akupresur kepada ibu bersalin. De- ngan penerapan terapi akupresur saat pertolongan persalinan diharapkan dapat mengurangi nyeri selama persalin-an dan memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan pada ibu bersalin.ABSTRACTBackground: Pain in labor is a physiological thing as a result of the contraction of the uterine muscle. Acupressure is one of the techniques to reduce pain in labour.Objective: This research was to know the effectiveness of accupressure therapy toward pain intensity first stage of labor in primipara active phase I at Public Health Care Sumpiuh II, Banyumas District in 2013.Method: Type of the research was Pre experimental with one group pretest-postest design. The population was 30 maternals primipara active phase of the first stage. The sample used was total sampling.Result: before getting accupressure therapy, the majority of respondents were in severe pain category, after getting therapy, mostly in moderate pain category. There was the effect of acupressure therapy on pain intensity of active phase of the first stage of labor in primipara at Public Health Care II Sumpiuh Banyumas in 2013 with p value of 0.0001.Suggestion: Mom will be expected to receive maternity acupressure therapy in labor proccess. Suggesting for midwives to follow accupressure training and applicate that therapy to maternity. By applying that therapy in labor proccess is expected to reduce pain during labor in accordance to give new and excite experience for maternity.

Copyrights © 2018

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Education Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Public Health Veterinary


Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Pregnancy Labor Post Partum Pathology Midwifery community Family planning Reproduction ...