Jurnal Pajak Indonesia (Indonesian Tax Review)
Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Perpajakan Indonesia di Era Harmonisasi

Persepsi Pelaku UMKM Terhadap Alternatif Model Pemungutan Pajak UMKM dengan Pemanfaatan Teknologi QRIS

Riani Budiarsih (Unknown)
Hartono Sony (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Jun 2022


Efforts to optimize tax revenue from the MSME sector require innovation from the Directorate General of Taxes to improve tax compliance of MSME actors. So far, MSME actors have calculated themselves from the turnover they generate and then every month they periodically pay their taxes and report them to the Tax Office. The presence of QRIS technology has now been widely adopted by MSME actors in payment transactions. Several local governments have also started using QRIS for local tax payments. This study used the method of filling out questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the non-compliance of MSMEs in paying taxes was not because they objected to paying taxes of 0.5%, but rather the tax administration process which was considered troublesome and impractical for them. The proposed model, namely the integration of tax collection through QRIS technology, received a positive response from MSME actors because theoretically it offered the practicality, convenience, and effectiveness of tax collection.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


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