Vol 15 No 1 (2022): FLUIDA

Sintesis Nanofiller Dari Rumput Alang-Alang untuk Pembuatan Film Bioplastik Berbahan Dasar Pati-Kitosan

Endang Widiastuti (Unknown)
Ari Marlina (Politeknik Negeri Bandung)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Jun 2022


Indonesia saat ini menempati urutan ke-2 sebagai negara penghasil sampah plastik. Oleh karena itu, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penelitian tentang plastik ramah lingkungan yang dikenal sebagai bioplastik sedang digalakkan. Bioplastik yang terbuat dari bahan alam, sifat mekaniknya tidak sebaik plastik jenis LDPE (Low Density Proly Ethylene). Salah satu bioplastik tersebut adalah berbahan dasar pati-kitosan, yaitu pati yang digunakan dari singkong atau disebut tapioka/pati. Pada penelitian ini, campuran pati-kitosan ditambahkan nanoselulosa dari rumput alang-alang sebagai nanofiller. Pertama, nanoselulosa diasetilasi kemudian dicampur dengan pati-kitosan. Bioplastik yang dibuat pada penelitian ini menggunakan perbandingan tapioka dan kitosan yakni 9 : 0,3. Bioplastik yang dibuat dari campuran pati-kitosan-nanoselulosa , memiliki kekuatan tarik 7,01 MPa, modulus Young atau kekuatan luluh 4,69 MPa dan perpanjangan putus 29,72% untuk ketebalan film 0,28 mm. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa penambahan nanoselulosa dapat meningkatkan sifat mekanik bioplastik pati-kitosan, meskipun belum menyamai sifat mekanik bahan plastik LDPE. Indonesia is currently the 2nd largest producer of plastic waste. Therefore, research on environmentally friendly plastics, known as bioplastics, has been promoted in recent years. Bioplastic is made from natural materials, and its mechanical properties are not as good as LDPE (Low-Density Poly Ethylene) plastic. One of the bioplastics is made from starch-chitosan, the starch used from cassava or called tapioca/starch. In this study, a mixture of starch-chitosan was added with nanocellulose from alang-alang grass as a nanofiller. The first, nanocellulose was acetylated and then mixed with starch-chitosan. Bioplastics were made in this study using a tapioca-chitosan ratio of 9: 0.3. Bioplastic Bioplastic made from a mixture of starch-chitosan-nanocellulose has a tensile strength of 7.01 MPa, Young's modulus or yield strength of 4.69 MPa and elongation of break 29.72% for a film thickness of 0.28 mm. This research shows that the addition of nanocellulose can improve the mechanical properties of starch-chitosan bioplastic. However, it has not matched the mechanical properties of LDPE plastic material.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering Chemistry Energy Engineering Environmental Science Materials Science & Nanotechnology


FLUIDA (FLD, ISSN: 1412-8543, e-ISSN: 2723-7680) is a science and technology journal that contains articles taken from laboratory research results, simulation results of problems, conceptual analysis (the study of problem-solving in writing) about the production process, troubleshooting, and ...