Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner
Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner

Pengaruh Susu Kedelai Terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin Remaja Putri Sma Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja Kampar

Nurmalia Rizki (Unknown)
Rizki Natia Wiji (Akbid Salma Siak)
Venny Rismawati (STIKes Al Insyirah Pekanbaru)
Rini Harianti (Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Jul 2022


AbstractThe nutritional problem of adolescent girls is currently getting attention to is anemia (25-40%mild to the severe category of anemia). The study aimed to determine the effect of soy milk onthe increase in hemoglobin levels of adolescent girls in SMAN 1 Perhentian Raja. This type ofquantitative research is quasi-experimental used a non-equivalent control group design pre-posttest. The research was conducted from February to July 2020 at SMA N 1 Perhentian Raja. Thesample consisted of 19 students SMA by a stratified random sampling technique. The resultsshowed that subjects had Hb levels of 11-11.9 g/dL, namely 15 people (78.9%), and Hb levelsof 8-10.9 g/dL, namely 4 people (21.1%) before consuming soy milk, while the Hb levels ofsubjects after drinking soy milk had Hb levels of 12.0 g/dL, namely 17 people (89.5%), and Hblevels of 11-11.9 g/dL, namely two people (10.5%).The results of the T-dependent statistical testobtained p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05). It concluded that giving soy milk had a significant effect onthe Hb levels of adolescent girls at SMAN 1 Perhentian Raja. It's hoped that adolescent girls willcontinue to consume soy milk to maintain normal Hb levels for productivity.Keyword: Hemoglobin Levels, Soymilk, Adolescent Girls

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Public Health Social Sciences


Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner (GIZIKU) merupakan jurnal ilmiah nasional yang memuat artikel penelitian (research article) di bidang gizi masyarakat, Gizi klinik, gizi industry dan pengembamngan bidang kuliner. Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner (GIZIKU) diterbitkan enam bulan sekali . Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner(GIZIKU) ...