Jurnal Pahlawan
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): JURNAL PAHLAWAN


Aminoel Akbar Novimaimory (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai)

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Publish Date
01 Sep 2018


Praktek Perbankan sudah banyak di amalkan oleh para sahabat Nabi di zamannya, yang memang secara formalitas kelembagaan belum ada. Namun substansi dari praktek Perbankan sudah diamalkan. Semisal meminjamkan uang untuk keperluan konsumsi dan untuk keperluan bisnis, serta melakukan pengiriman uang telah lazim dilakukan. Namun ada juga praktek yang oleh sahabat Rasul mempunyai penafsiran lain, sahabat Rasulullah SAW, Zubair bin Awwam r.a memilih tidak menerima titipan harta, ia lebih suka menerimanya dalam bentuk pinjaman. Mengembangkan Perbankan Syari’ah di zaman Rasulullah SAW fungsi-fungsi Perbankan dilakukan oleh perorangan dan biasanya satu orang hanya melakukan satu fungsi, sehingga setiap orang mempunyai peranannya sendiri. Kemudian, perkembangan sejarah Perbankan pada masa sekarang ini yang pada mulanya menuai banyak hambatan-hambatan yang dilalui oleh para pendiri Bank Syari’ah, seperti halnya pemerintah tidak mendukung adanya konsep yang ditawarkan bank Syari’ah ini, dengan dalih bahwa secara politis bank Syari’ah dianggap berkonotasi ideologis, yang ada kaitannya dengan konsep negara Islam. Sehingga pada saat itu juga masih banyak pertanyaan “siapa yang bersedia menaruh modal dalam ventura semacam itu (sistem bagi hasil)” tentunya para pengusaha yang ingin masuk sebagai penanam modal juga masih khawatir akan kelangsungan Investasinya. Kata kunci: Sejarah, Bank Syariah , Pebankan Abstract Banking practices have been widely practiced by the Companions of the Prophet in his day, which did not yet exist in institutional formality. But the substance of banking practice has been carried out. Such as lending money for consumption purposes and for business purposes, and making money transfers is commonly done. But there are also practices that the Apostle's friends have had other interpretations, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, Zubair bin Awwam ra. Chose not to receive the assets, he preferred to receive them in the form of loans. Developing Syari'ah Banking in the days of the Prophet Muhammad's banking functions were carried out by individuals and usually one person only did one function, so that everyone had their own role. Then, the development of the history of Banking in the present which initially reaped many obstacles that were overcome by the founders of the Shari'ah Bank, as well as the government did not support the concept offered by the Shari'ah bank, under the pretext that Shari'a bank was politically ah considered ideological connotation, which has to do with the concept of an Islamic state. So at that time there were still many questions "who is willing to put capital in such a venture (profit sharing system)" of course the entrepreneurs who want to enter as investors are also still worried about the sustainability of their Investments. Keywords: History, Sharia Banks, Banking

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