Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan
Vol 16 No 1 (2022): BILP


Doni Sahat Tua Manalu (Institut Pertanian Bogor)
Harianto (IPB University)
Suharno (IPB University)
Sri Hartoyo (IPB University)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Jul 2022


Abstrak Negara eksportir utama kopi dunia dalam kurun waktu 1995-2017 adalah Brazil, Vietnam, Kolombia dan Indonesia. Sementara importir utama dunia adalah Amerika Serikat, Jepang, dan Jerman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis daya saing komparatif negara eksportir utama kopi dunia dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pangsa pasar negara eksportir utama kopi di negara importir utama kopi. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder menggunakan jenis data time series periode 1995-2017 dengan kode HS 090111. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode Revealed Comparative Advantage, Dynamic Revealed Comparative Advantage, dan metode Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat negara eksportir utama kopi dunia memiliki daya saing yang bervariasi. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pangsa pasar negara eksportir utama kopi di negara importir utama kopi adalah harga dan non harga. Rekomendasi yang diberikan memerlukan keterlibatan dari berbagai pihak (petani, pengusaha, dan pemerintah) mulai dari cara budidaya, pemeliharaan, panen, dan pasca panen yang benar dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan melalui program pemerintah, penerapan sertifikasi mutu kopi serta kebijakan perdagangan dalam bentuk kerja sama bilateral. Kata Kunci: Kopi, Ekspor, Persaingan, Pasar Global Abstract The main exporting countries of world coffee in the period 1995-2017 were Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Indonesia. The world's main importers are the United States, Japan, and Germany. The purpose of this study is to analyze the comparative competitiveness of the world's main coffee exporters and to analyze the factors that influence the market share of the major coffee exporting countries in the major coffee importing countries. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from various sources using time series data for the period 1995 to 2017 with the HS code 090111. The data analysis method used is the Revealed Comparative Advantage, Dynamic Revealed Comparative Advantage, and Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System. The results showed that the four major coffee exporters in the world had competitiveness. The factors that affect the market share of the main coffee exporting countries in the main coffee importing countries are price and non-price. The recommendations given require the involvement of various parties (farmers, entrepreneurs, and the governments) starting from the correct way of cultivation, harvesting, and post-harvest carried out by providing counseling through government programs, implementing coffee quality certification, and trade policies in the form of bilateral cooperation. Keywords: Coffee, Export, Competition, Global Market JEL Classification: C22, F13, O24, Q17

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


First published in 2007, Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan (BILP) is a scientific journal published by the Trade Analysis dan Development Agency (Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Perdagangan - BPPP), Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia. This bulletin is expected to be a media of dissemination ...