Perspektif Hukum

Penjadwalan Kembali (Rescheduling) Tagihan Murabahah di Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah (BRIS) Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Hukum Islam

Taufiqul Hulam (Universitas Lancang Kuning)
Muhammad Azani (Universitas Lancang Kuning)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 May 2016


Rescheduling Murabaha bill on Islamic banking is suspected to add the amount of remaining bill that is unclearly allocated and categorized as usury. The research is a socio-legal study by using primary, secondary and tertiary data sources. The data are collected through observation, interview and documentation. The results of the research show that firstly, rescheduling the murabaha bill in Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah (BRIS), Pekanbaru City branch is to make a new contract of the rescheduling, while the previous contract is declared null and void. Secondly, in fact, BRIS Pekanbaru City branch does not fully apply the provision that the amount of Murabaha bill can not be increased. In practice, BRIS only calculates the amount of months that become the customer’s responsibility by reducing the amount of installments, and does not calculate the amount of Murabaha remaining bill before rescheduling. Thirdly, if the party does not fulfill his/her obligations or if there is a dispute between the parties, the dispute will be settled through mutual consultation, the National Sharia Arbitration Board and the Religious Courts. The parties can primarily conduct deliberations to solve the problems.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Perspektif Hukum P-ISSN 1411-9536 and E-ISSN 2460-3406 is open-access-peer-reviewed law journal affiliated to Faculty of Law, Hang Tuah University and Publhised by Hang Tuah University, in printed version on 2001. The aims of the journal are to be a medium for legal scholars and practitioners to ...